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  • lol dude google web and image search tehmeena afzal ! i heard about these people from other pakistanis and pak forums haha
    haha they do exist alot of pakistanis are in denial btw sahara knite is indian bro :)
    "Yeah, i saw lol

    But you gotta admit you got told by one of them.
    Qsaark "Secondly, I myself hold a MS in Biochemistry with distinction, PhD in Molecular Microbiology with 11 international awards, a Post-Doctorate in Molecular Virology and currently an Assistant Professor. Please do not tell me about Bio-Medical Science as this is what I do, eat and sleep. "


    Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
    Yeah. But with people like these? Someone went as far as saying 'Hey guys it's allowed in religion, so it's perfectly okay'

    I posted like a million links that prove the evil nature of Consanguinity.
    That thread is the story of modern Pakistan. The real reason why we are backward. Because we can never think beyond religion.
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