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  • You should save all the pictures in one folder that your going to you use. And then you should use microsoft word, to import pictures one by one and put descriptions under neath it. You can also resize pictures in the microsoft word.
    "...my visit is complete as the army has stood down - will send feedback!"


    I think that sucks. You can't go downrange without coverage so I don't blame you.

    hey x - nice to hear that u r well. good luck with your course. myself have been quite busy but thats nothing new.
    hey any hush-hush PAF news, pls PM me!
    Sir it did snow a lot couple of weeks back. Life was virtually stood still with airports, trains, roads, schools and offices closed. It’s back to normal now. For me it didn’t make much difference even if weather was bad because the course I am undertaking is basically a classroom one: no flying involved in it.
    When I was a kid (13) I delivered newspapers in Wisconsin to the only Chinese guy in twenty five miles. Five years later, we realized this when he became my political science professor in college.

    Thirty two years later I googled his name and found him to have served as Taiwan's Foreign Minister!!

    I don't know what to think? Slip of the tongue or did Feinstein mean to have this come out and why? Did the administration use her as a vehicle to deliver a message? Did she simply goof up? Did SHE determine to deliver a message?

    I don't know. Interesting stuff. Steve

    LOTS of Aviation pictures uploaded!

    14 new sea king pictures and the rest are all at the "Army Aviation" section of the gallery.

    Along with those, there's a lot of new Tank and Artillery pictures as well. T-80's, Al-Khalid's, APC's Saad, Talha, and Sakb. Check em out! :tup:
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