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  • nadja jee - even if i told you, you wouldnt believe me. yes indeed, there was someone but i cannot disclose on the open forum!
    hello fatman sir just realized your rank has been changed to military professionals sounds and looks cool congrats you finally get a rank that does justice to your knowledge & experience
    karachi is simmering, quiet for the moment - hopefully the 3 major parties will sit down and talk so that better sense prevails!

    currently i am in mtn and on my way to my farm!
    Hope all goes well for you-and as far as the forum goes we cant give up!
    God Bless Pakistan and you and your family!
    Kamran Sama,
    You are right, i am at a loss for words these days so taking it easy.

    you know the situation i was in at work recently...i am sure if most of our young members here are facing the outcome of Pakistan's isolation in terms of job security, family safety, education, future of our kids etc; they would start realizing that actions need to be taken to to root out the disease which has consumed us.
    Anyways hoping for the best from Kayani, looks like a mature person but we have been let down before...

    You say, what is happening at your end?
    Glad to see you are still barraging the forum with heavy artillery these days...somethings bound to cave in...:)
    sirjee - arrived late from FSD by road. thought i had some down time but not to be - in multan road area today and returning by 10pm flight to karachi. maybe we can talk on the cell around 830-9pm.
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