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  • Nada. Interesting. I'll P.M. for his experience. Zraver was enlisted and is M.P. Maybe he should be too.
    TK---i was actually busy moving my household from askari to defence area - Alhamdolillah i purchased a house.
    will be back on line in a day or two!
    No prb Sir, actually it didn't got noticed, otherwise i try my best to keep the threads in relevant sections. On daily basis atleast 4-7 threads are moved by me to their right sections. Don't understand why members can't read simple english telling them which section is for what before posting. Anyway, thanks for the point out :)

    And by the way haven't seen u in action much, hope all fine on your end.

    TC, AH
    SIR im reporting this indian troll 4 time he has been banned before and now after coming again hes trolling and using offensive stuff.
    so??? isnt he Mr.10% ????? who cares whether hes the president of any pariah nation or jumri tallaiya.
    Mr 10% kya laga rakha hai India kai naam pai aur smile kar lene do = POSTER= Dark Angel,Thread =India offers to resume talks with Pakistan
    I have warned him personally but hes still doing the same.Please ban this guy i beg u thanks.
    I'm feeling alright sir. Am trying to make a comeback but just can't find the time or drive. Hopefully I'll get there.
    Dear Fatman Saheb.
    Nice to hear from you. As you know life has become too hectic and I hardly find time to be involved.I still watch what is going on and respond from time to time but that is about it. Thanks for your prayers and Allah bless you and your family too.
    no issue - catch u next time!
    its always sad to see loved ones leave us but thats part of life

    Sorry man, i was very busy friday and thought to catch up with you today but had to go offer my condolences to some family friends who lost their father.
    Came back in the evening.

    Will catch you again, inshallah.
    How was the fog?
    Hope it did not cause a lot of problem and delays?

    All the best Sir Jee.
    I posted the "ISI alleged behind acid attacks" story as an example of the sort of obstacles Pakistan's image has to overcome. I thought it was clear from the excerpts that the reporter didn't believe it, but that the GoP didn't handle it well by remaining silent.

    All-Green's approach was much better: pointing out that Pakistanis demonstrate rejection of acid-throwers by prosecuting and punishing them for their crimes. That is far superior to staying silent, and would only generate admiration for Pakistan, rather than suspicion.

    I believe Jefferson-Waterman has been the GoP's PR consultants in Washington for the past fifteen years. link Maybe it's time to hire a different firm?
    i will check in fri eve (fog permitting) - we can have dinner fri nite or lunch sat afternoon.

    do let me know
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