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  • bro, my profession have nothing to do with what i post, really.
    mmmm i am a textile engineer and am doing export business, strange na,
    actually this is not my profession, this is my passion, i have friends in different fields related to armed forces., my father is general Manager in HMC, uncles in POF Wah and HIT, NDC, these are my souces of information.

    as for the pic, no, i m sorry i don't have a separate image, however, if you can search out the last two batches of 50 each, AK tanks, these have these made in Pakistan barrels
    Yes, we do have an active Supersonic Missile Program but the exact status of it's progress is unknown.
    Hello Dear,
    have started a new Babur Cruise Missile Database thread in Pakistan Strategic Forces section.


    this is inspired from ANTIBODY's idea of JF-17 Information Pool. A thread not meant for arguing or debate but just to collect all useful and relevant data regarding the system under one umbrella.
    Kindly do take time and check this out.

    Looking forward for some useful contribution from your side aswell

    Best Regards!
    Arsalan Aslam

    I'm fine, how are you?

    I didn't say that, I guess Sir nabil_05 said that. No, I do not have any kind of information regarding that.
    You must realize that all the missiles in the Hatf series are capable of delivering nuclear warheads. But a Pakistani SAM can't be a part of the Hatf-series, unless it carries a nuke, which is close to impossible (rather unnecessary).
    Kindly share your views here .... Cross border solutions @ Pakistan affairs->currents affairs and social issues
    sorry mate. Disappointed with all institutions including Army and Airforces which is doing nothing to protect Pakistan and corruptions. I guess, it is our cultures traditionally.
    we were suppose to lose gps contact as cell phone towers can only provide coverage till 20,00ft max. it regains contact though once its back at low altitude.
    and NO it didnt take us a week to find it! we just went after a week to get it, because of school!
    it took us like half an hour to find it because we had to follow its location..
    google "Instamapper" its a GPS tracker software. free to download so anyone can use it.
    uh the only reason it had condensation on it was because it had a very wide angel and we had to make a bigger hole on the box. which ofcourse exposed the lens to atmosphere more.
    thats pretty much it..
    i'm sorry for that...there is a problem at their end(BIAS official website). PAC has recently made its middle east demo, they have got good response on SupMushak & Thunder. The attendance at BIAS came under discussion before Dubai airshow...they picked Dubai and decided to go for Farnborough (which is by the same organizers as of BIAS). Lets hope a national airdisplay pops on the list too;-)
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