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  • No problemo:) take your time and please accept my invitation.i just changed my settings.only people in my friendlist can send me visitor messages:lol:
    in case you're wondering..the "Mods action" thing i said because i didn't know the reason behind deduction at the time.
    again, sholly;)
    Dear Management!
    i suppose you did not read my post carefully.i never have any issues with the management.I thought there must be some particular member who's doing all this.So wanted him/her to know it.Nevertheless thanks for the warning.i'll look after that.
    Secondly i did not open my thread in the section you mentioned.i opened it in members club.A Mod moved it to "suggestions & Discussions".You can ask Asim.He'll verify.Thanks!
    Webmaster my message that you deleted was in response to KHarian_Beast message saying he has a short temper and I should watch out etc. etc. If you delete my message I think it will be fair to tell him to let people express their opinion even if it contradicts with his.
    Okkkaaayyyyy. So, WebMaster dude, my thread was started first. And i believe there's no reason for another one. Could you kindly relocate it to the right section? :P
    I‘am a girl form china. I enter this forum casually today .
    My god. I have waste tens minutes to login a chinese name,but i failed.
    Glad to meet you,goodluck for pakistan.O(∩_∩)O呵呵~
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