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  • Dear webmaster,
    are there any Hindu pakistani members here. If yes would like to get in touch with them. not that i am religious but just curious.
    thanks a lot webby , i am still regular here post sometimes but other jobs take time out ,
    congrats on the 4th anniversary of def.pk
    hello webmaster may i kindly request for a username change from my existing moscow to A.V. as its my original initials
    thank you
    Thankyou for your welcome note sir.
    i am not new to this informative thread as i have already been using this with my Cousin Sir. ArsalanAslam123 a senior member here at your forum. now i have decided to join it as an individual so that i can also contribut something to this great platform.

    take care.
    aslam a likum...
    hope you doing fine.. theres a thing thats baffling me and that is i cant post a new thread.. and when i write on somebody's wall, its been moderated,,,, why is that???
    Suggestion is mine, Command is yours..
    Whatever step you take.. may beneficial not only for the forum but for our Motherland Pakistan.

    Long Live Pakistan!
    I have post it for the third time. Now its your responsibility to put the valuable post of Murad Sahab into that one.

    Thank you.
    I have a suggestion; Jashn e Azadi Mubarak is the thread which contains majority of the National Songs which is mixing with the views and feelings about Pakistan. There are so many Military Officials whose views and comments can give a tremendous example to us. Which is now impossible to get by mixing the post with the National Songs. I hope you will consider it being a good administrator of the forum.
    Happy Independence Day!

    I posted a topic named by "Celebrate The Birth Of Your Motherland". Which is now deleted. Can i ask the reason for it? I don't think there was any of abusive talk. But you are more experienced, definitely there might be something not recommended for the forum. But please acknowledge me so that i care about for the next time.

    Jamal Ahmed
    So Webby what do you think about the guys I mentioned being given posting rights in MD? Shall we go ahead with it?
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