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  • hey Webby!!! growler is at it again! and when i reply to him it will get deleted and i will be sent a warning! what is up with that guy i can screw him over right back but i let him run his mouth cuz i don't wanna get kicked off

    Originally Posted by Growler View Post
    genius at least do some research before you convenes us what a clue less newbie you are.
    Ohhh, hey WebMaster!

    Thats a shame, how things turned out. Too bad i wasnt too active during those days on the forum. I didnt know DarkStar all too well but i sure as hell will miss Neo.

    But its great having you, Asim, Agnostic, PAFAce and other great folks on the forum and now with 20,000 people i believe this things gonna touch new heights. I wanna be there for any future milestones.
    Good Luck to you and the board and hope to engage myself in some good debates.

    Arslan Khalid (Janbaz)
    Hi, webby
    can you look over this thread see if it can be reopened.
    "URGENT: India Pays Baitullah Mehsud To Attack Pakistan’s Nuclear Sites, Plan Deployed "
    IKS is trustable. No user has ever been caught. Sonicview isnt a very good IKS but we have better ones. I have nfusion which is very good for Canadian/American channels and decent for internationals, including desi. Kbox is the best for internationals. The Oct 23 fix is just a rumour. There have been many dates that were rumoured before. We will have to wait and see what happens.
    I watch both. Nagra 3 is not compromised yet but we have the IKS workaround to it to allow us to watch not all but many channels on Dish and Bell.
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