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  • AoA Sir, Just like to ask that i have received a very funny video but it does contain some rude/swear words, wondering if i should share it or what are the restrictions. Regards.
    Well if you cannot witness it then not sure, how much an example will do.
    IMO we are spending more time discussing, I can do this to you type of things instead of good discussion. Also I am not sure what can be done to correct it, so leave it.
    I need to contact you in private about very important matter. How can it be done? Please allow me to PM you. tks
    AoA WebMaster,

    Nice video reminding from "Oh Lord, send me back". It is speaking truthful and we must never to let Satan's winning games against us. May Allah protect us from deceiver everyday, Ameen!
    Hi Webmaster,
    I have got this feeling that most of the thread these days are getting ruined by new memebers, there are so many of them who have joined recently and instead of debating properly resort to personal comment and trolling.
    I personally felt that it is degrading the discussion level on this forum, if you see properly instead of a defence forum it has become a news forum, where we are mostly discussing as if in any other news forum.

    Its up to you if you agree otherwise just Ignore.
    I will tell you my nationality in private, but i will not say it out in public as people often targetted me with racist and hateful remarks as to where i come from.

    Also i do not hate pakistan. I have never said i hate pakistan. You can still criticize a country without hating it. People on the forum often criticize other countries for various things but it doesnt mean they hate it.

    In my last posted i asked why pakistan won't let the U.S conduct air strikes on the taliban in pakistan. I asked for a pakistani to explain this to me and i simply stated that from the outside that it looks like the pakistan government supports terrorist. I am not against pakistan, i do not hate pakistan.

    You have obviously misunderstood me.
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