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  • Have tried that many times how many of them have u guys banned?
    looks like u mods dont even see the reported posts and most of the posts are not even deleted ? Brother im not an idiotic foll i have been watching them troll and divide pakistan several hundred times.You should take action or just bann me or the people who report you guys.And when u people dont take action we have to reply.Thanks
    either this chap 'pkd' apologises to me or is banned - i have reported his 'ethnic slur' from the thread the froth of khan!

    action is required!
    The world knows people of which religion supports violence....people of which religion are more extremist....people of which religion justifies 'Human bombs'....people of which religion taught some of their innocent childrens to kill others innocent & get killed themself...
    You people justifies the enforcement of sharia (Islamic law)...
    THREAD= Kashmir - Past & Present, How our Forefathers Sacrificed so much against India
    i have reported it but no action was taken
    I used the thread to communicate to people that I admire them before leaving. I cannot PM everyone, I also believe you should be more open to suggestions, which I feel at times your are stubborn.
    Please Ban me forever, I opened a thread to say goodbye, hope you can keep that open. I have some suggestions for forum, hope you can take it positively.
    Are you just savoring your last 12 posts? I can imagine how daunting reaching 10,000 could be. You finally get into four figure territory after 4+ years, and look at the mountain ahead to get to five figures!

    WebMaster, Sir,
    Since I may not be online at the time, let me congratulate you in advance for your 10,000th post! AND thank you for operating a great forum!
    Why I get the error message when uploading a pic:

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 12000 bytes) in /home/defence/public_html/gallery/image-inc.php on line 116


    I uploaded a pic which had mark from another site. Would you please delete that. The pic is for Wng Cmdr Shahid Latif with F-16.
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