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  • You know, thanks for that warning. I see others not adhering to the rules, yet they are still very much active here. I've issues ~5 reports on Justin Joseph alone yet I doubt one mod bothered to look at the report. One question, what is the report button for? Well rules are rules, if you must ban me, go ahead and do what you must.
    Thankyou for keeping eye on We know how to deal with you, India warns Pakistan thread
    I was burning
    I know that you changed...
    It is a bad change considering the fact that my lower posts changed into lowest..!!!

    Yes sir but my "lowly" ranked posts changed into "lowest" ranked posts..
    how did this happen?

    I did not understand your answer. Kindly answer once more so I can understand...
    hey regarding the complaint I made about the "lowly" ranked posts..
    They were 7 in the beginning which were ranked low but all of them are ranked as "lowest" now
    It is also a spam or done by some mod?
    Hi I am not able to post threads in any of the forums here. it says i do not have prievelages. please look into the same
    I sent you a personal message..
    well it was about some posts which were ranked low...
    anyways it is an old story from last month...
    I don't wanna bother you now...

    Thank you for replying though
    "'Nada. Interesting. I'll P.M. for his experience. Zraver was enlisted and is M.P. Maybe he should be too.' who are you referring to on fatmans wall"

    Hi !
    Thanks for your PM and the welcome ! I am Tahir Alam.Yes, i am Ex PAF and still have very fond memories of my time spent there. Am from 45 GDp and left the service in 1976.
    I am finding it rather difficult to surf your website and forum. Where can i get help?
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