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  • lots of people complained that it was against the spirit of the thread. And its too late for deletion, hence i reported myself.
    One last thing and try to remember this this would help you in personal life also " taqat serf daaleeel ma hoti hai " or kisee cheese may nahi best wishes
    The only reason that write on your page or tried to call you because you are the owner here no one will love this website like u do cuz you made it it's your brainchild I am not scared of being banned this is your and ours deen you need to realize that even if we get banned from this world we don't mind so please don't allow anyone to make fun of our deen if u want to ban me go ahead I don't mind it's your prerogativenone for Ed me to come to your website it was my decision but generally forums are run on the basis of equality not they way some ppl trying here they think might is right
    Sir i tried to call you today but your offical number goes to a voicemail anyways sir you haven't replied you must be busy but please tell your mods either they should ignore ppl like me or if they want to indulge in a discussion we should have the same rights as they do because what happend today was humongously unfair totally unfair I don't mind if you follow secular agenda but then we should be allowed to put our pov there as well without the fear of biased and unfair infractions
    Ask miss Elmo why she gave me an infraction see T FAZ post where he was trying to be nasty and then see my post /reply and then decide for yourself who deserves what ? Don't remain silent if I am wrong ban me if he's wrong then tell him to behave and I wonder really why you remain silent ok tc
    "only for indian eyes"......was a poll in general for indians.....can you provide me an explanation why it was deleted???
    Hey sir, mind me talking so openly ??
    Actually, I suggest a ban for TinMan as you would have seen his posts.
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