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I'm just your normal Arab. My mom gave birth to me in the USA, but really, I was raised in Syria. Syria is my home country, and the only reason we came to the United States was for better education for me and my 2 older brothers (because education in Syria sucked, thanks to "great leader" Bashar Al-Assad.) Anyways, since the start of the revolution, I've always been very active in the events in Syria. One of my uncles was already killed by Hafez's regime, and I've had another 7 of my family killed due to Bashar's airstrikes. So naturally, I am very involved. Inshallah all countries will get freedom from their dictators (especially Arab countries).
Nov 17, 1996 (Age: 27)
Syrian Arab Republic
United States
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The prophet (saws) made Dua'a for the Romans for them to win against the Persians. The safavids will continue to be the enemies of Islam until they are destroyed the way Omar (ra) tore their empire just like they tore the prophet's (saws) diplomatic letter.

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