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  • that is great. very pleased to know u chose pdf instead of wasting hours on fb or orkut.

    Ur to be hub did the right thing. Good luck for the marriage. May u have a very happy life. And u will have a good life, since u r ready to change for him. Nothing beats that.
    well thats cool. anyways as i earlier said its nothing personal. its just i hate when someone with his posts misplace indian stance to distort facts. but again, ignoring her is the best way forward.

    and u do a good job with reasonable logic. enjoy ur posts.

    waise what do u do ? student or working ?
    Hahahaha. zoooo....... That made me laugh. lol
    Its pretty interesting you are here cause of a guy. Hmmm.... girls don't usually change their interests so easily.
    But since you're here now, you'll be a pro in no time.

    So, when is your 'to be hubby' getting enslaved, I mean turning hubby?
    knowledgeable ?
    all her facts are misplaced. i am an IIM grad and we have sociology as our subjects. what i have studied is based on strong research and hence i can say her facts are mostly pakistani version.

    now if shes indian then where does she learn all these misplaced facts....

    shes from hyderabad and i think shes one of those muslims hwo have strong influence of pakistan..... i know a lot of hyderabadi who have close relatives in pakistan.
    Alright I see.
    Very rarely do girls visit a forum like this. And when they do, the red carpet treatment is waiting for them. Lol. You must have experienced it first hand.

    Btw, I was banned when I got into an argument with the moderator, not the lady.

    So take care. See u around. Got an exam today.
    Hi! Are u seriously a girl? I've come back after a long time. You weren't there when I used to post earlier.
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