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  • So you are back again ??
    LOL !!

    Welcome back.
    Is it being a girl, that makes you go Pink ??
    Girls love pink colour, you know!
    so u working in IT or wat.... but gud to c u u got time n knwoledge fr all dis..... i tried pm as wnt find suitable to ask u here dis but im not authorised fr pm's as yet...lol
    Glad you liked the Asura post. As a rule I don't like religion based threads, but your threads are in that indefinable space beyond religion and more into myth and epic. They really make me smile and stop what I'm doing to sneak a peek at the posts!

    Thanks, and keep it up.
    Abhi abhi test kiya hai and yes the results are positive. All my body parts are in working order and willing to support me for another couple of years hopefully haha actually busy nowadays typing this msg from mobile
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