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  • Ramadhan Kareem - Your body has a right over you, eat clean, worship well, take rest and don't overburden yourself.
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    Reactions: Moonlight
    any recipes on healthy eating :)
    Fruit salads, vegetarian dishes, minimum fried food and don't eat for the month but just day lol
    Non fried veg dish for ramzan really ? :-//
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    We have different views, but that doesn't mean I dislike or hate you. If you feel like I disrespected you, I apologize wholeheartedly. I want people like you that aren't born in Pakistan to come closer to your roots.
    Being born in Pakistan, I have a certain loyalty to Pakistan and sometimes, I may come off as aggressive, but I don't mean any harm. Express yourself, you have every right. And I also have the right to disagree with you.
    Take care.
    see that manama troll lashing out?I live in Saudi little does he know Saudi too criminalizes triple talak only hinduvta trolls use that argument and the argument of sharia being un-islamic is totally invented by indian media via tarik fateh he is using tarik fateh arguments on pdf
    i am not always mean to new members i am first to greet new members one thing i hate more than baboons are false flag indian trolls
    Last year his nephew went missing he requested us to help him out (he found him though) just few days later he threatened all he sought help from
    Hell hound
    Hell hound
    hahahhahahah its sadhon not saandoh
    saandoh means bulls hahaha but thanks for the mistake i am laughing like hell for the past 5min because of it
    I'm still working on my Urdu :P

    What that mod Jungi did on that post was savage!
    Hell hound
    Hell hound
    Don't worry about it you will learn it pretty quickly but again that mistake was hilarious and you made my day with it.lol

    Hahaaha yeah jugi nuked every single argument by the verve with that single strike
    Sorry if I offended you btw, I didn't know you where a real female lol
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    Hassan Guy
    Hassan Guy
    I think I first saw your profile a while back it said 'female' and I was like 'haha ye right'. Then you changed your profile pic again and I was like 'haha this guy's a virgin'. Then you tagged me in that other post and i checked your posting history and i was like'.......shiet'.
    And then it just dawned on me, that this dude is not a dude.
    Hassan Guy
    Hassan Guy
    BTW this is the PDF its a god damn virginity stronghold ain't not women on here
    Aww it's cool. I'm following you and I don't usually follow but you're so funny!
    Hello ma'am. I have a query to you regarding my business idea...How can I approach you? Can't write my post here as crossing character limits.
    Hahahaha that husan parsti thread is locked now too. girl you got some serious thread locking curse.lol
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    Hell hound
    Hell hound
    Then just ignore them think that they don't even exist just like I am doing with verve
    You don't need to engage them in the first place they will go away after a post or two.
    Hell hound
    Hell hound
    hahahahah that hands and feet reply was savage.i myself wanted to reply to verve in similar manner when he kept pressing the other members with his most beautiful part question but i didn't because i was in no mood to engage that troll.
    I'm very savage ;)
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