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Recent content by Developereo

  1. Developereo

    As Obama visits, signs that India is pushing back against China

    I wasn't talking about Jews or anyone else. I was only commenting on the fact that Edison NJ has a lot of Indian shops, including paan shops. Read my original post to see the context.
  2. Developereo

    As Obama visits, signs that India is pushing back against China

    Sanjay kept getting clobbered in debates so he resorted to vicious insults about Chinese women and others. Naturally, he will be defended by his Indian buddies on this forum, but we can recognize dear old Sanjay whenever he pays us a visit.
  3. Developereo

    As Obama visits, signs that India is pushing back against China

    It's trivially easy to fake IP addresses. The insecurities and posting pattern of this guy match exactly that of Sanjay. We know when we see Sanjay.
  4. Developereo

    As Obama visits, signs that India is pushing back against China

    Buddy, there is nothing to be bothered about and there is nothing to figure out. I pointed out to others that you are the well-known Indian-American troll @JayAtl - that's it. Even other Indians have commented that you are an Indian. I am not the first to see past your charade. Only you got...
  5. Developereo

    As Obama visits, signs that India is pushing back against China

    I am not the one who is so desperately ashamed of his Indian background, and so steeped in an inferiority complex, that he projects himself, not just as an American, hiding his Indian background, but a State Department official. The height of psychological imbalance displayed here is...
  6. Developereo

    Philosophical debates and logic puzzles

    If we genetically engineer superhumans, I doubt they would worship us -- the natural ones -- as godlike creators. It is much more likely they would have disdain for our limitations and engineer the next batch of superhumans themselves.
  7. Developereo

    As Obama visits, signs that India is pushing back against China

    Stay away from you? No, i don't respond to your silliness unless you address me, but I do enjoy reading your attempts to hide your Indian origin. And there's nothing to 'win' by discussing anything with you. You provide entertainment. Unintentionally. You are too clueless. Edison, NJ is...
  8. Developereo

    Philosophical debates and logic puzzles

    Right. So the natural humans would be an endangered species, protected from natural selection by the apex race. Can humans survive in such a scenario? What's the point of striving if you know you can never be master of the universe? That you will never be anything more than a pet, albeit a...
  9. Developereo

    As Obama visits, signs that India is pushing back against China

    See, every time you fall back on your Zionist blabbering, you give away your identity as @JayAtl. That clown also had zero debating skills and would resort to these things when he couldn't sustain the debate. Along with your desperate insecurity to show yourself as the ultimate American...
  10. Developereo

    Philosophical debates and logic puzzles

    Surely we can discuss the topic of soul without getting into religious angles. If we start with the premise that soul = mind = consciousness and that this consciousness is a separate entity from the physical cells comprising the body, then the subject can be discussed even by atheists or...
  11. Developereo

    Philosophical debates and logic puzzles

    This begs the question: is your feeling of kinship to bonobo like that of a zookeeper, a pet owner, or a concerned humanitarian? Would the superhumans see us as we would see a severely mentally retarded person? Someone to take care of, and nurture, but someone we know can never function as a...
  12. Developereo

    As Obama visits, signs that India is pushing back against China

    Buddy, you're about as American as the paan I bought at the paan shop in Edison, NJ. I have known several Indian-Americans who are completely integrated into American culture and knowledgeable about various aspects of Americana. You are not one of them, and the more you try to pull it off, the...
  13. Developereo

    Philosophical debates and logic puzzles

    Thanks for a great thread. This comment of yours touches upon something I wrote a while back on this forum. I feel that the human race will self-destruct, not through climate change or nuclear war, but by genetic tampering. It will start innocently enough -- a preemptive cure for this, a cure...
  14. Developereo

    Middle Eastern Christians Flee Violence for Ancient Homeland of Orthodoxy

    The current mess in Syria, Iraq, etc. was crated by the West, Russia, Arabs, Iranians, and a bunch of outside players. No one's hands are clean and, as usual, the people suffering are the locals.
  15. Developereo

    Middle Eastern Christians Flee Violence for Ancient Homeland of Orthodoxy

    I said show me coverage to the same level as afforded to ISIS and other groups. That means headlines in mainstream media, constant discussions on talk shows, newspapers and magazines. TV programs centered around it. Once again, I talked about mainstream media, not anonymous forums. As for...
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