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  • Hey. I came across the thread "All girls aren't call girls". In India we had the same problem in some metro's though not that bad..but the good thing is that NGO workers coupled with News channels and they pretended to stand on roads like call girls. They had cameras on them and whoever stopped the car with wrong intentions was telecast on national television and told about it. I'm sure after that they would have never stop even for a real call girl. Does Pakistan have such NGO's ? They can help fix the problem but in the long run it's education & open mindedness.
    The link to one of your fav doom metal song is not working.

    and i have heard folk metal before and i like it the first song you linked me to was good the next 2 i didn't like em :P. like i said beofre i am not a big of balck metal =P. and the last song you linked me which was bys lumber i already have heard of the song and i am also into the band XD.

    check this song by flatboats it also has astrong meaning http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLUX0y4EptA&playnext_from=TL&videos=SSg7b0iDIQU

    Also i am in a hurry so i can't link you any song right except the one i was listing to when i get back here i'll link you =P
    xD i liked that song i have heard medolic death metal before its basickly a mixture of electronic rock and tehcno music along with a death metal vocal :P.

    Also this is rap i don't like songs from this genre but i feel strong about this song and i feel it i saw some of your posts and threads and thought that you'd like it since its describes people like you , me and many others so yea let me know what you think of the song and its meaning http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJPmLzW9WAE

    also since your into metal i thought we should try some thing diffrent then symphonic metal i am gonna try to get you into all of metals genre :P.

    try this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdos1RlfFPs its genre is metelcore let me know what you think of it
    Don't I wish. That's a young man's world and my day doing that has come and gone...
    Chillin', lurkin' and readin' your interesting "Bigotry" thread. You're doin' well, my friend. Keep it up.

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