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Recent content by cherryerror

  1. cherryerror

    Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

    latest leaked photo of J10B #1033 with PLLA's emblem painted. Enjoy it.
  2. cherryerror

    Thank you China

    Thank YOU, Pakistan and Pakistani people. Actually you have been doing A LOT for China and Chinese people all time as well. Don't mention it. You know, we are family. Hope we two countries could cooperate and help each other hand in hand further and more in the years to come. Long live Pakistan...
  3. cherryerror

    China Economy - News & Updates

    Good news. And I believe in the next twenty years we Asian will play the leading role in the world software industry :)
  4. cherryerror

    China's Advance High-Speed Rail technology will export to U.S, After export to Russia

    Good news! It suggests our High-Speed Rail technology is partly recognized by some western developed countries. We all know that a few years ago we still worked hard to acquire the advanced technology on High-speed Rail from the western at a very high cost, especially from Japan and German. Now...
  5. cherryerror

    What countries are China's major allies?

    really? If it was true, then that is really awful. That would make me sad and disappointed. Thank God, I have not yet seen any stuff of the kind you mentioned above on the forum. And I do not hope this kind of bullshit speech will emerge out of this forum someday, never. I also believe most...
  6. cherryerror

    What countries are China's major allies?

    Hi, dude. All you said above maybe WAS a fact, but unfortunately it is a fact of the past. I am a native Chinese as well as a average Chinese, so let me make some explaination here.(perhaps firstly you shall tolerate my no fluent English in here. I would try my best to express myslef. thanks!)...
  7. cherryerror

    PDF hits 20,000 Members! Now 25,000!

  8. cherryerror

    Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

    latest photo of J10B #03. enjoy it.
  9. cherryerror

    Chinas father of space technology dies at 98 (31)

    I am so sad to hear the news yesterday. he is a great man of his time, either in China or in America. wish he rest in peace.
  10. cherryerror

    Pakistani army started to improve Al Khalid shape close to China 99G

    yes. That is machine translation error. you know, in Chinese, the two nation's name of Pakistan and Palestine pronounce really alike. You see, both of the nation's name in chinese have four characters in which there are three characters are same. look...
  11. cherryerror

    Why China India border issue is a big problem here?

    Because as a whole country, subconsciously India views China as an enemy while China views India as only a future rival, not a dangerous rival. I draw the conclusion by browsing this forum. That is my personal thought, no offense.
  12. cherryerror

    My Pakistani working partners taught me those Urdu words ;-)

    My Pakistani working partners taught me those Urdu words ;-)
  13. cherryerror

    Naxals killed 18 policemen

    I have sympathy for those Naxal, the guerrilla guided by maoism. Because I know they are the poorest indian people in India. you indian's ruling class is the exploiting class and the Naxal belongs to the exploited class, so the uprising is only natural. yes, I know your democracy is fake...
  14. cherryerror

    Chinese Type-054A

    can not agree more, dear kvLin. Pakistan is just one of china's only two best friends and brothers nowadays, the other is North Korea. We should stick together through thick and thin at any time. This time it is F22p, wish next time it will come to 054A. And what is the most important is that...
  15. cherryerror

    Car bomb attack in Peshawar Cantonment

    Just now I heard about it in tonight TV news report. I am very sad over the death of the victims of the explosion. and I am totally at a loss for words. I can not think through how can you killer hurt those innocent people?! may the victims rest in peace and may peace come to the region again.
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