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Recent content by charlietophits

  1. C

    Shaukat Aziz becomes Advisor to Indian Business Giant Mittal

    Shaukat aziz said in assembly that he had cleared 8 billion debt of the pervaiz group, and wanted the assembly to sign the document to make the same officially legal. he was selling our steel factory for dimes. He was behind the OGDC farce (where its price was brought down from 189 to 117...
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    The Status of Pakistan's Radar Network During US raid

    If you guys will just look up the local news: It has been alleged by people living around that area that they were told by (maybe the army) to close off all lights. And this was done minimum about 2 hours before the attack. You can search up this. Just exactly what does this imply? Also on...
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    Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

    I think that now first of all America should bring manslaughter charges against the diplomat who had run over an innocent bystander. After America does that and gives a suitable sentence, then we can maybe think of handing over davis, but not before
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    Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

    This is a very good post. The best I have seen and I would advise all readers to read this up. So davis was / is actually a mercenary. No place for mercenaries in Pakistan. So now we should be looking for the people in the other car. They should be expelled from Pakistan after paying blood...
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    Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

    Right now I think that Pakistan should be confiscating America's property for spying on our country, and conducting terrorist activities in our cities. If you think that your ambassadors are not safe in Pakistan and that they should hire private contractors who can run roughshod over anything...
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    Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

    The people he killed were Pakistanis. That in itself is a crime. You people have brought the war in Afghanistan at the doorstep of Pakistan, ruined our economy in a 100 different ways. You mean also that he can be made to stand on trial in an American court. How will the persons witness to...
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    Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

    Show me just where in the Vienna convention it is written "That even if a diplomat commits cold blooded murder, he will not charged for it"? Oh and our contention now is that he is actually a spy. A lot of facts corroborate on that point. So he should be tried as such. And stop harping on...
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    Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

    I really cannot understand you solomon. You have turned a blind eye to the glaring fact that davis committed pre-meditated murder, and not an accidental killing like running over some pedestrian. If such a case had happened, then I am sure that the Govt of Pakistan would have pacified the family...
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    Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

    It is quite clear to me that davis may have killed the two persons according to an agenda. By what soloman has said it is also quite clear that raymond will not be tried in America. But right now, keeping all other things aside, the disguise found in the car along with the digital camera with...
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    Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

    The embassy authorized davis to carry firearms?. Is this a joke? The embassy authorized him but was this approved by the Pakistani officials? Or is this normal procedure also authorized in the Vienna convention ? You can't carry firearms in another country just because your embassy "authorized...
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    Equipment recovered from Raymond Davis - Diplomatic Immunity or License to Kill

    What do you think that he was expecting? a war? So many bullets? One loaded pistil should have been good enough. Oh and you have not explained away the digital camera with pictures of "sensitive areas". I am sure you will have fun explaining this away. Oh and another question "fragmentation...
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    Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

    I have got news for you, So is America! America is continuously printing billions of dollars without so much as an ounce of gold to back it up. It was widely feared in the Financial sector of America that there would be chaos and anarchy in the streets when the people come to realize that the...
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    Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

    I don't think that raymond is a diplomat . And so what if he is? He was caught carrying weapons , a GPS satellite tracking device, pictures of Pakistani army sensitive installations, and other sensitive material? Why was he making phone calls to Waziristan on the Pak-Afghan border when he was...
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