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Recent content by Bayonet

  1. B

    Coast Guard offshore patrol vessel Vaibhav commissioned

    CHENNAI: Indian Coast Guard Ship Vaibhav, the third in a series of 90-meters class offshore patrol vessel, was commissioned at a naval dockyard in Tuticorin by vice admiral Anurag G Thapliyal, director general Indian Coast Guard on Tuesday. Inspector general S P Sharma, commander of coast guard...
  2. B

    Don't be jealous over India-China ties, Chinese daily tells US

    Not until border remains disputed, most of Indians really do have short memory.
  3. B

    Clear or nuclear: Will Saudi Arabia get the bomb?

    Very iffy article,This article is perfect example of hyper speculations .
  4. B

    India, China focus on civil nuke cooperation

    I won' mind ,if they agree to supply nuclear fuel.:lol:
  5. B

    Electricity import from India a priority for Nawaz

    I don't know ,why Indians are working so hard for the PR Indian Electricity.We ourselves are power hungry country, we ca export only when we generate surplus power. Our many industries rely on fuel guzzling generators imported from China, Coal import also seems very probable.So in a way we...
  6. B

    Myanmar Muslims jailed for killing Buddhist monk

    At least 44 people were killed and 12,000 displaced, most of them Muslim, in more than a week of conflicts with Buddhists that began March 20 in the central Myanmar city of Meikhtila. A dispute at a Muslim-owned gold shop triggered rioting by Buddhists and retaliation by their Muslim targets...
  7. B

    Two deaf and mute orphan girls raped in Jaipur

    OP's vengeance is quite apparent and foolhardy as it is 3 day old news.
  8. B

    US to transfer Afghan war's, military equipment to Pakistan.

    Whats with this "You can put the blame on me " attitude.Their Malik couldn't furnish a single proof of Indian involvement in BLA during his 5 year tenure.So how can we be blamed even for BLA ???
  9. B

    US to transfer Afghan war's, military equipment to Pakistan.

    I don't like to to play music chair.I have already said that I can give you 10 links for that .:D
  10. B

    US to transfer Afghan war's, military equipment to Pakistan.

    As, I said whatever suits your peace of mind.:lol:
  11. B

    US to transfer Afghan war's, military equipment to Pakistan.

    First you need reality check for yourself. :lol:
  12. B

    US to transfer Afghan war's, military equipment to Pakistan.

    Goo for your peace of your mind. ;) I was not worth that but still you bothered to quote me .:lol:
  13. B

    US to transfer Afghan war's, military equipment to Pakistan.

    This so called Hathi was crying that day and blabbering that 'Are we Pakistanies are supposed to be just a punch bags for Indians on our own forum . :lol:
  14. B

    US to transfer Afghan war's, military equipment to Pakistan.

    I can give you 10 links for 30 kills .;)
  15. B

    US to transfer Afghan war's, military equipment to Pakistan.

    I read the comments of many Indians , which for me is credible enough to vouch for what I claimed. And refuted by Pakistanies only ;)
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