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Recent content by bala

  1. B

    So who still thinks Israel is the root of Middle East problems?

    Israell is the cause of all the problems in this world. Just look how it bulldozes the homes of palestineans and then rebuilds new homes for the jews/zionists... you dont even need to look any further than that.
  2. B

    America attacks Muslim world through the web

    Just look on this forum here plenty of zionists pretending to be Muslim here and trying to feed the rest of us bullsh!t
  3. B

    After a few years of Edward Snowden will receive Russian citizenship

    Or what ? What you going to do? Active member? Nah you seem to be online whenever I come on to reply. Someone else also mentioned your about 10 years old and from your responses you seem actually less than 10! lol
  4. B

    After a few years of Edward Snowden will receive Russian citizenship

    Principles are formed on common sense ;) You cannot expect to have a "principle" that says "I can spy on all my citizens, monitor their telecommunications and internet traffic" and expect them to not retaliate and be comfortable with it all. You seem like a troll - you joined in March and in...
  5. B

    After a few years of Edward Snowden will receive Russian citizenship

    They shouldnt have been doing that in the first place. Goes to show how many people of the world are deluded and lack common sense. Both of these will allow you to fail drastically in life and you will be come astray by following others i.e. the bullshit US gives you.
  6. B

    First round of Syria battle will be fought in the US Congress

    Congress will vote in favour, they voted and allowed the spying of US citizens as pointed out by Snowden. So dont expect much from Congress. Or maybe Obama doesnt want to attack alone now, as the UK has withdrawn and therefore is using congress as a ploy and gets Congress to vote against it as...
  7. B

    Evidence that Assad forces launched Chemical Attack

    The evidence is that the US supplied the chemical weapons to the "rebels" (zionists) because the US supplied them with weapons and they lost to the army. Now, like Putin says why would the government use chemical weapons when it is winning? Logic says, the US supplied them and used them so...
  8. B

    Evidence that Assad forces launched Chemical Attack

    There is no evidence as usual. Just like there was no evidence on Bin Laden, Iraq, or anything else the US says. I been saying this for years, the US is the devil and needs to be wiped off the map. It has twisted the Snowden case and hides from it, spies on its own people, cant answer...
  9. B

    Military strikes against Assad's Syria | Updates & Discussions.

    There is no proof its all pathetic. The BBC always say "footage what viewers will find extremely disturbing" and what is the footage? An empty house with holes in wall? Shoes? Clothes and rags? Is that proof? No its bloody not! Look at Obama so p!ssed in his speech 15mins ago, what the fcuk...
  10. B

    Military strikes against Assad's Syria | Updates & Discussions.

    Another example of Zionist backed US invasion. I said this months ago it would happen. Egypt is also under stress by the violent protests (this is how it always starts). Next target is Egypt and eventually Iran. The biggest sad thing is the Zionist and the West resort from bombing from the...
  11. B

    Snowden is all set to trigger Cold War II

    Why you get all offensive for cant handle the truth? LOl - thanked your own posts with your own fake profiles? HAHA! When Iran Pakistan and India proposed the gas pipeline, India backed down when the US told it to along with Pakistan, yet Pakistan still went ahead. You buy old US weaponary...
  12. B

    Snowden is all set to trigger Cold War II

    Very well played by Mr Snowden. He has confirmed my beliefs that the West spies significantly (see how the US accused China of hacking into US systems when it has been the other way round all the time?). The US claims it's to prevent terrorist attacks yet the Chinese dont attack the US do they...
  13. B

    Police say 5, including gunman, killed in Washington apartment shooting

    Already mentioned this - pure example of a biased terror state. Only way to rid the problem is to make firearms illegal. Nonsense excuses to keep them.
  14. B

    Syria rebels say they have received new types of arms

    There is no rebels - its just a name given to them by the West. They are group of zionists infiltrating handful of Syrian locals to participate in this bloodshed. Since the army has took over lots of areas recently, rather than stop the bloodshed the h@rami westerners are now saying they will...
  15. B

    US losing economic war and Asia loves it.

    You sound like one of those British, hooligan, benefit scroungers that support BNP. You dnt need truth its common sense. Go visit your local Asda or town centre, you will see a 16 year old with at least 2 kids crying and dangling, dont even know who their dad is. Like that 16 year old...
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