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Recent content by azesus

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    US Demonstrates Air Power in the Indo-Pacific Region

    In any case Indian is still a very dysfunctional society were you have those upper caste that sh*t in gold toilets while million Dalit poop in their "Holy River"
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    US Demonstrates Air Power in the Indo-Pacific Region

    Its apparently self evident you're the big loser wasting a ton of time here if you were a Indian Brahman upper caste you would be dating a hot girl and driving your Benz AMG sports coupe rather than waste a ton of time here, you must be one of those untouchables that still poop on the street...
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    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    Another big god Puffinus剪水鹱said TVC is for taking maneuverability load off from canard because using canard too much increase RCS from all that moving around forming bigger angle deflecting radar, all TVC does is helping climb rate, for now canard is perfect fine for maneuverability...
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    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    J-20 only needs an engine of 117KN to match with the F-22 aerodynamically because delta canard design is 25% more efficient
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    Featured BREAKING: Taiwan signs deal to buy 66 F-16 jets from US defence giant Lockheed Martin

    J10 canards is made of composites materials so it has negligible RCS
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    Featured BREAKING: Taiwan signs deal to buy 66 F-16 jets from US defence giant Lockheed Martin

    Taiwan F-16V is just new avionics installed in their old F-16A fuselage and their AESA is wind cooled, J-10C AESA is larger and liquid cooled
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    China’s Submarine Fleet, Evolution & news

    Jive Turkey or aaron amick is just an E-6 petty officer 1st class sonarman stop pretend he knows more than anything
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    This is how the US puts a show of force in South China sea, who will take the blame this time?

    Not within range China anti ship ballistic /cruise/hypersonic missiles qualitatively/quantitatively superior land based airforce
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    CV-18 Fujian - Type 003 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

    Nah, 003 is China Kitty-Ford, conventional with EMAL, China dont need nuke powered
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    Chinese Flanker Family: J-11, J-16 ... Su-27SK/UBK, Su-30MKK

    J-11 = licenced Su-27SK ... J-11B further development with WS-10A and Chinese avionics J-11BS = unlicenced Su-27UBK J-15 = unlicenced Su-33 (carrier-borne fighter) J-16 = twin-seater, striker, vased on Su-30MKK
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    China’s Submarine Fleet, Evolution & news

    Henri from SDF posted they just gave the design specs to suppliers and they are still doing testing. 9V is 3D low sail hybrid double hulled similar to that mysterious low sail sub I think thats a test model of it. They said having a low sail the hydrodynamic quieting advantage effect is...
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    It seems US wants war

    Many Americans in Iraq are like that psycho a hole Eddie Gallagher they deserve to get hanged
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    China is now world's 3rd most-popular destination for international students

    Difference is United States and the United Kingdom Anglo sphere are for rich capitalists elite China should give out scholarship to smart international students based on meritocracy with a socialists approach
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    CV-18 Fujian - Type 003 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

    Its 260K HP gas turbine with IEP right?
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    If you had to recommend a book?

    Confessions of an economic hit man by john perkins, to study americans evil ways and playboy... oom eer, because you know, to study americans evil ways
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