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  • Sir Jihad is part of every Religion even before Islam Sir even your books are full of wars and fighting so don't talk Sir
    Sir it is the reality which your own media has show several times and still shows because this is the biggest ugly fact of Indian Society
    No Sir Mullahs are not the one who did it not proven yet and you still have caste system in India sir still valid in majority of India don't consider other caste people humans so you should be the last one to talk about
    Sir what happened to danier pearl was wrong but still not proven it was done by Muslims and secondly Sir Islam doesn't allow to kill innocents and that is why Islam is the fastest growing Religion in the world Sir Islam is bound to rule the world and soon it will and Hindus should be the last to talk about peace because you have killed not on Non Muslims but even people of lower castes in you country so you need to keep quite
    Sir for your information Arab countries were ruled by Traitors and secular cartoons and now they stood up against them and now are trying to establish Islamic Governments and Sir Islam is the complete system and GOD didn't only taught love because it don't work in many cases Sir GOD told humans to live in peace with those who want peace and who attack you than attack them back and teach them a lesson of life
    Sir Islam is not a religion Islam is a deen complete way of life which includes how to run Government Economy and Social Life and everything else
    Sir for your information I have never been to any Madrassa in fact I have studied in Co Education with elite of many of them have really liberal life style and I was also one of them but soon thanks to ALLAH came to Islam
    Yeah...sorry for the long answers but I'm myself not a religious person =/
    Just think of it this way: If everything in the world (technology etc) has a creator, then what is the master mind behind this world? It surely couldn't have come into being out of nowhere, from nothing, one day randomly though an explosion, and give rise to such complicated life in the universe.

    Sorry if it seems that way, but I'm no preacher, and I'm not really here to convert you, just to let you know of the way we Muslims think of it.
    As far as God goes and why he doesn't do anything about the killings in Afghanistan, here's the reason: This life is test. The test for varies from person to person, i.e. the poor has to learn patience and remain steadfast while the rich needs to learn self restraint and enjoin charity, both compulsory and voluntarily. The handicapped/lame etc will have to learn patience while the able will be asked on Day of Judgement as to where they're ability was used (eg. did you use those hands to do something good or just waste your life drinking and killing).
    The test varies person to person, but essentially everyone is tested about equally
    Sorry, they closed the thread.
    You said that religion tells you not to think, but check this out:

    "Behold! in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day,- there are indeed Signs for men of understanding." - Quran 3:190

    Other religions might not, but Islam does encourage people to seek these signs around you so that you may come to understand.
    "describe urself in 3-4 words".@ member's club.
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    Online friendship & online dating....what do you think about it????????@ member's club

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