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  • i am really fealt myself like a real junior in this forum for the first time
    most pf the members are senior to me here
    what toy didn't understand
    al-badr was paramilitary organization created by pakistan amry in east pakistan at the time of 1971 war to deal with "mukti bahni" actually my maamo(my mother's brother)
    is vetaran from this army
    our family has very far relation with mm alam's family
    and one reason can be that my maamo is al-badr veteran from 1971
    but the real reason can be known from my signature
    so you are trap in dilema whether to fo for MBA or MSc
    quite dispressful
    well i am a BBA(II) student
    and quite busy in enjoying summer holidays these days lol
    so my friend Mushraf Zindabad App Zindabad Democracy Constitution murdabad you even did not read them properly and i think its went over your head Dont worry after some years u will understand it
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