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  • -Boy: Pimping? That impolite language isn't ours. We were surrounded, attacked. They claimed victimhood, so we forgave as long as we could.
    "Do You see this one You honored above me? If You delay me until Doomsday, I'll surely destroy his descendants, except few." -Qur'an (17:62)
    -Boy: In that regard, a girl asked for a medicine for going out without Hijab. I said I only have one for fertility, the rest are all guns.
    -Boy: Likewise, the policy towards the children of Cain. Some behave rudely unless put under constant threat of punishment. Look everywhere.
    -Boy: For instance, Niqab itself is a protest. Sun doesn't give glory to Creator of Earth, hence doesn't deserve to see her to begin with.
    -DET: Is this not a systematic rape of religions? Christianity, then Islam? -Boy: Needless suffering along with enforced change of clothing.
    -DET: The little white blonde who identified herself as a Christian-Muslim convert. -Boy: It confused me. I was convinced we're politicians.
    -DET: Why go crazy? -Boy: I don't know of our past wars, but I know a "female program" within me was killed as soon as I got there.
    -DET: That humans are too dumb for anything, right? -Boy: Yes. Hence getting dressed as Oppressed may prevent them from going crazy on me.
    -Boy: It wasn't about "Allah". He doesn't believe in God to begin with. It's just a language for conversations. I couldn't tell those kids.
    -DET: Why against calling it fanaticism? -Boy: Trust me. Anything except for sitting on that wheelchair is considered fanaticism. Anything.
    ...who has made all the nations drink the wine of her passion of giving heads in public." -Rev (14:7-8) (The Oppressed Version)
    ...and the earth and the sea and the springs of waters. Then a second angel followed, saying: Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great who...
    "He said in a loud voice: Fear God and give Him glory for the hour of His judgment has come. Worship the One who made the heavens...
    -DET: You're no longer sarcastic when saying Marginalized, Oppressed. -Boy: It seems they're brutal to us, but are cruel to themselves too.
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