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  • Things as they are: -PC: If true, why aren't the others free? -Boy: Does being 'free' mean to spread chaos? Good?, it's you. Bad? It's us.
    -PC (after choice): Hope!, the source of your greatest power & greatest weakness. -Boy: If I were you, I'd hope we don't meet again.
    Some will only treat you well if you got the right colour/religion while others will do so depending on your birthdate, astrological sign.
    In this same world there are people who cannot see anything but themselves, and yet there are people who have actually forgotten themselves.
    The only way there will be a nuclear bomb used is if the same people hurt themselves again and blame others as happened in Japan.
    Same story on a bigger level. For each time they try to "solve an issue", Palestinians take their share of the iniquitous killings. #Future
    Maybe for others, being a person who sees using pure mathematical logic is a bliss. For us, we consider it as good as having myopia.
    Act-1: Boy: Stop mischief! -MSA: Meaningless privatization! -Boy: Oh really?! I said it years ago and I got a cross-platform "cup of wrath"!
    Act-1: Boy: Stop committing mischief! -MissSensesArmy: We rule! You suck! We kill you! We MONSTERS! -Director: CUT! Be nice, please.
    Glad we weren't banned from breathing. Some people believe Europe will cure their depressive symptoms and grant them a happy life. It won't.
    Breeding a source of needless trouble here at borders with "Zion". If things don't improve, we'll revert to the #DoOrDie
    The future is about a group of people desperately trying to stop killing, and another group of...robots?...digging into Earth for treasures.
    -Don: So none actually cares about killing us? -Ron: Unfortunately, yes. It's just us, killing and making threats so that we feel special.
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