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  • -DET: Miss Senses! -Boy: Miss Source-of-Pain, if you ask Solomon. "Neo-" is in love with Trinity (me and 777). He dies, she revives him.
    -Boy: In the 1st movie, "Neo-" is guided by Morpheus (my dream state) to understand the world around him when they pass by a woman in red.
    -Boy: Back to the type of **** I mentioned. There's an analogy between my life and the Matrix movie. I identify with the character "Neo-"...
    -Boy: Same troublemakers came in with another burden at Al-Khadraa pharmacy, which had the title of the district where I lived in Mosul.
    -Boy: Later, my brother got married and his wife's young brother's name was Adam. But "Adam" didn't have enough time to live happily...
    -Boy: As ISIS took Mosul and I moved to the countryside, the name of the first guy I befriended there was Sulaiman, then we moved to Basrah.
    -Boy: The whole thing was transgression, an endless loophole of outright iniquities, if you know what type of **** I am talking about.
    -DET: Where can I buy..I mean, are they still available for people to view? -Boy: Many people watched but couldn't recognize them.
    -Boy: It was about their choice. Whether they were going to press the Play button to play what they loaded and prove the content true.
    -Boy: Forget the tape. There was a Hollywood **** trilogy involving the oppressed and the marginalized. They got it loaded themselves...
    -DET: You got rid of the tape? -Boy: That thing is only used to discover problems. We neither blackmail nor persuade people.
    -Oppressed: We're not conceited. Boy, the creator of all... -Boy: 10 days of not calling me crazy! You're progressing!. If Jesus was here...
    -Boy: We were on emergency. Spilled blood is all that mattered in order to survive. They could keep their colourful-paper wars away from us.
    -Boy: One of the early names I heard in my life in Mosul was Suhayb, the guy next door. So you can say Suhayb Al-Roumi, instead of Philip.
    -DET: Philip The Arab is back to life. -Boy: They claimed to revenge something. I didn't resist, I said you want more blood? Here, drink it.
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