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  • "These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for He is Lord of lords, and King of kings". (Revelation - 17:14).
    -DET: And that means, I am retard. -Boy: The bright side, detective. You're not the only one. -DET: <cries>, guaaads!, get him a soft drink.
    -DET: How can I be a genius for the Marginalized then? -Boy: You need to do a very complex GPCRZX-9986 + <technical term> + <name>, sort of.
    -DET: In other words, she kills husband for his unfaithfulness. Messing with words, superficial charm makes you smart for the oppressed...
    -Boy: The woman with the Greek name then tells them about her husband: "I am so sick and tired of his bull****. On and on. Pompous prick"...
    -Boy: "Neo-" meets Merovingian who messes a lot with French words to curse with. He refuses to help "Neo-" but his wife, Persephone does...
    -DET: That's as good as being stupid. -Boy: It's better than being smart. Get to know them. In the second *****graphic movie I mentioned...
    -Boy: You know the Marginalized have a habit of denying everything. So, I tell them if they claim being right and I am wrong, kill me.
    -Boy: It was their choice. If they wanted us to feed on flesh, we would feed on flesh. I wouldn't mind inviting the public to them...
    -DET: You've been a student? -Boy: Yes, but not one of theirs. I don't gain anything from learning the names for emotions I always feel.
    -Boy: I don't have a car, but if I had one, I'd leave it behind in a safe place before going to an uncertain place. -DET: It's common sense.
    -Boy: Once again, the names of women at the workplace, Widyan (Valleys) and Taimaa (Uncultivated/Desert). -DET: There's no farmer in this.
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