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  • -DET: So if one wants to offer an instant coffee cup... -Boy: He'd just point his finger at them and tell truth to people at the workplace.
    -DET: They were very optimistic at first. -Boy: It's due to 007 belief that once he kills a human, it's "illogical" to see him alive again.
    "And when it is said to them, believe as the people have believed, they say should we believe as the foolish have believed?...
    -DET: Do you practice lobbying? -Boy: We don't. With time, things become clearer and some begin denying what they've been doing before.
    -Boy: Thus, there is a difference between what God actually made them to be and what they chose for themselves to be. Pi*ps and pros****tes.
    -Boy: Black means being a slave and white means being free. They associate blonde with pros****te but my feelings associated it with queen.
    -Boy: PC witnessed, we're punished. -DET: Who are the kids? Feelings towards UK? -Boy: It's private. Regarding white and blonde, however...
    -Boy: Likewise our first visit. We had a profile of little blonde boy and girl. Again, the little boy was killed and a little girl remained.
    -Boy: In the mentioned movie, Oracle knows that Smith or 007 is a bad man. Hence she keeps Sati, that little Indian girl away from him...
    -DET: That there's something wrong with their behaviour. -Boy: Time would tell who are they who never learn from their mistakes and history.
    -Boy: If you surrender, let them do as they wish and they get nothing, doesn't this... -DET: They need to stop accusations, I understand.
    -Boy: And those things we know, we aren't hiding. Same stuff we've been repeating for more than 1400 years. And they mock us, persecute us.
    -DET: But what would they do next if they rely on it? -Boy: I said, we know things to encounter problems but we don't have linear solutions.
    -DET: Your reply to "It is what you know that is important" case? -Boy: I didn't expect that from them who learn by spilling others' blood.
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