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  • please ban me you laughable nazi
    It was your first violation hence Soft-Warning, please mend your ways, a humble suggestion...
    Amin Bactria
    Amin Bactria
    iam not going to appease americans because you say so mr nazi commander

    Hope you're well. I have posted more than thrice in GHQ but didn't get a reply. Can't find the DM option, is it possible to write to you or the Staff in person to share my complaint?

    Only webmaster can view GHQ, no one else....and he's off forum these days....

    we can take it to DM
    Foxtrot Alpha, can you tell me who works on forum bugs here ? I spoke about one bug in the GHQ but you say only WebMaster can view that section. So who do I contact ?
    AoA @Foxtrot Alpha sir, hope you are doing fine. I wanted to request you to open a dm between me and @iLION12345_1 as well as a separate dm with @Mumm-Ra
    I wanted to share pdf of books as well as discuss some matters. Positive response would be appreciated. Thanks.
    @Foxtrot Alpha , I do not understand, what was wrong with my post!!!
    If we follow what you said in your message. I read 100s of messages full of non-sense everyday.
    Why all are not issued warnings!!

    For very a very long time I have noticed, this forum is run on the basis of "who is who". Is this is the policy of this forum.
    If having a little fun is prohibited than I prefer to leave this forum.
    Hi, could you delete my thread here? I'm tired of arguing with people on it. Thanks.

    Can you please explain on what basis was my post low quality or Trolling.

    I am stunned that you cant even post facts

    What exactly was wrong with the content , there was no foul language the information was factual and is accepted as true

    so why the warning i dont get it ..........im sorry
    I actually am located in Canada. I use VPN so can't rely on IP.
    Sorry but use of VPN is not allowed on forum. If you have a genuine reason for using VPN - you need to drop us a PM explaining why you require vpn.
    Maira La
    Maira La
    Ok, how do I pm you?
    Hi, which rule did I break by calling the pm a donkey? I didn't realise there was a rule against calling politicians names. I'm constantly called Fazl Ur rehman Diesel and Nawaz Sharif Ganja and Mian Saamp.
    Just checked the rules and there is a rule against political name calling. How long has that been there?!
    report the posts and mods will take action against that
    Lol I'm not reporting my own posts to you... Lol
    Hi Mod,
    I don't get it. What inappropriate language I used? I am just saying a FACT!

    The most stupid policy isn't lock down. India started lock down since 25 March,2020. What did India government do before that? Nothing. The warning from Wuhan, China is on 23 January 2020, which means BJP/Modi has more than 2 month to do something about it.
    Nothing, absolutely nothing.
    When China is in pandemic, what did BJP/Modi do against China? Keep provoking China on the border, Ladakh to be specific.
    India try very hard to take advantage of China on Ladakh, thought China had no resource to respond.
    While China get out of Pandemic, but BJP/Modi screw things up
    The China government put people lives as first priority. What did BJP/Modi do? Voting first.
    The stupid festival during pandemic itself tells everything.

    BJP/Modi don't care. Then what the hell lock down to kill economy last year?
    Hey man, can you start a DM with me? I will send you the link to the server. Sorry, I don't mean to spam. I just don't know if my message sent to you last time, since it said I wrote the message to myself in my latest activity.
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