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  • Yes. She also trolled on an Indian forum where I am a mod.

    Her religion is not really relevant to her being a troll but yes, she is a Muslim woman. Likely from Hyderabad, India.

    Surprisingly, she used to post lots of pro India articles earlier. Then something changed and she became a total gone case.
    It was meant to be a joke.

    She may well be an Indian. There are some Quislings in any country.

    I do like your posts though. Glad to have an Afghan perspective of things which is not very common. Shows how all human beings think the same way.
    Kabul har sumra bad shi, akher kho zemung khpel watan dai kana? You will love your stay, trust me.
    Brother Ahmad I received your message.
    I will soon write back to you.

    Have a good day!
    hello Ahmad, you might be wondering why I'm posting on your wall instead of sending you a PM, but its because I'm restricted to do so due to my low posts.

    Anyways, This is perfect Ahmed. Exactly what I needed. I will now have to study Ahmad Shah Abdalis background info and his empire. Thank you very much wrora!

    You mind explaining a bit about the situation of ethnic division which Bristish was working hard to achieve. Sounds interesting..

    dera manana wrora...
    thank u wrora, You have my highest respects as well. :)... Since you dont know the history too much, can you at least tell me around what year or period of time the thought of Afghanistan started?

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