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  • AM,
    Your indication have been noted with tkx and appreciation, about the thread already existed.

    But its my pleasure rather then feel sorry for such overlook mistake, as due to this i got a chance of honor to have info message from such a responsible well alert person.

    I feel proud of you, all adminstrators & moderators of Defence Pk. You peoples doing a good Job in very polite way with decency and manners to keep update the decipline of the forum.
    Wish all the best and a very happy EID to you, your family and friends, especially to those who are living abroad for studies or jobs.
    Best Regards

    I think the forum is getting to be a little too much of BD Vs India. Even I at times succumb to the temptation of a 1 on 1. Can this be moderated ?
    what are u studying..............and why a volunteer at Obama's campaign when the guy is so anti-pakistan...............did u support Clinton in the primaries or what?
    AM, could u kindly explain how TT members are selected / nominated. is there a criteria?
    AM, could u kindly explain how TT members are selected / nominated. is there a criteria?
    report karo tau ap logh thakta ho action leta howay aur reply karo to delete kar deta ho ab kia main AK 47 le kar aoon :angry:

    Good to read you. You're often in my thoughts and hope you're well. "monsignor"? Catholic, yes, but absolutely not of that realm!

    Strange days emerging. Don't know what to think. Astralis found this elsewhere-


    If you haven't already read it, I know that you'll love it. May have to cut n' paste as it's not linking for some reason. Take care and we'll talk soon,

    Hello, could you tell me when Salim Sir would be unbanned?

    Nice Layout, Thanks to the whole team.
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