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AgNoStiC MuSliM

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  • It's all good bro. I didn't see them posted before and with adrenaline running through my veins, i posted it Immediately after viewing. My bad :P
    Respected sir,
    CAn you tell me in which university your a student??
    Yours sincerely
    Usama Khan
    Chem EnGG
    Saturday, January 03, 2009
    Hey AM!

    About my message at the "Stealth" Topic, it was really just to lighten the environment a little bit. :P There are times when i think of something funny regarding a particular thread but refrain from sharing it because you know, it's off topic. BUT sometimes, i JUST can't resist :D And you agreed it was funnaaayyyy!

    Anyway man, what's up? How was your new years eve? Wait a second, it IS new year's eve! Well, i don't celebrate these events but if you do, Happy new year man =)
    you dint get the joke? I'm sholly I don't like to repeat jokes:( but I'll elaborate for you.erm..old friends if not me then it can be Neo:lol:...and..i found someone really fast with the starting of an online relationship..so the quote was just about it...but i didnt know it ended before it could begin.:lol:
    haye Allah:cry:
    ahhh.never mind.All the best Agno.please don't forget your old friends:(
    btw what was that about "slow and steady wins the race"?? :lol:
    woh aye hamare ghar Khuda ki qudrat hai...;)
    bina kuch kahe chale gaye...yeh kya hikmat hai? :undecied:

    How are you ?

    Listen, i posted two threads which related to some pictures. But i can't see any of those posted anymore. Did the mods deleted them or something? Because they were just political cartoons and some other regular images.

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