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  • Yeah, I'm right with you on the India-Pak geopolitics thing as well. At times reading about it feels like I'm painfully chewing a wad of gum that's rock hard and a year old and hurts my skull no end.
    Hey AM; kaise hain aap, saheb?

    I've been around. Just didn't log in and/ or post. I sometimes get tired of all military all the time. :)
    damn! I was typing a juicy reply when u just pulled down the curtain on "Beautiful Pakistani gals " thread !!! These mods are so quick when u least require them to be :P
    And we do try and reason with him, on facts in a civilized way. Many times he has been beaten in arguments, but instead of replying, he just changes the topic by posting a new hate India article. You can check all this threads and see for yourself.
    Anyways, I was just responding to your point, that we should beat him at the argument instead of complaining.
    Thanks again for responding to my complaint.
    Agreed! I have no problem, with the way he posts, he does provide links, to some hate articles , which are not so difficult to find, just a google search away. But he does start provocative threads like "India is sham democracy" which are just meant to bash Indian soicety.
    But sir, I have to agree that "technically", he does not troll, so it would not be fair for you to take action. Maybe i was too hasty to suggest a ban.
    Na na, I had no such intention. Just saw that while browsing something else. I should have checked the date of the article, my bad.
    how to delete ones own post? FAQ has no info regarding it, but I believe some members apart from moderators are privileged to do so. Does doing so requires certain no of posts or I missed looking at the delete button?
    i dont understand why you deleted my message in the recent post you should have let him see what his country was doing,Regards
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