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  • For the signature ?? lolzz that was a post by me which was relevant in that thread so i adopted is as sig.

    if there is anything else then do PM me
    Congratulations on becoming a moderator AA, and welcome to the team!
    Apologize for the belated welcome, but I have been busy with life and not able to contribute much for a while. I am sure you will do an excellent job, we really need to lift the posting standards.
    Hi sir I'm Patrician. I was only replying to what others posted though I do feel that i might have got carried away and for which I express my apologies. Could you please revoke my suspension?

    I'll be more careful in future.

    Thanks in advance.
    I didn't report because i did nt find it as a troll rather thought it as his ignorance on his part.

    Some people always relate poverty , hunger index to aid money.

    My post would have been helpful for the ignorants (in this case Indians) who always links things like this and bring up irrelevant points like "failed state indexes".

    I felt that the post should have been there as to a message to people who has similar views.

    Anyway as a moderator i believe you are in a better position as to judge what is what in this forum and very much appreciate your decision


    there was no need to delete those posts.their was nothing offensive in them.these indians are making fun of our ideology in this defence forum thanks to mods like you.what business do they have here.and on top of that you side with them whenever they come crying to you.
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