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  • 1697026830349.png

    Hi Foinikas

    I read many of the prophecies you mentioned above. It's from St Cosmas and Elder Paisios.

    Jewish prophet Vilna Gaon is also mentioning the same thing as above.
    Yes. I remember reading it as well.

    It says during the war of Constantinople, Russia invasion to Turkey, Russia will attack down to Israel.

    Israel will be involved in the war with NATO against Russia, as well as Japan.
    Then, according to Vilna Gaon, this is the period of time when Jewish Messiah will come.

    I think before the war of Constantinople, Israel should build the third temple first.
    If you check Russian Orthodox prophecies,you'll find out a bit more.
    I can't no more write in the Rafale F3 vs S400 topic : probably blocked by our friend @MMM-E !!!
    No,no Legend locked the thread after he told MMM-E a few things. You check the last 2 pages!
    Not the first time I was blocked..... OK, I've seen the last message.
    MMM-E didn't know what to say. Like always,everyone told him some things and he went back to calling everyone ignorant and talking about Turkish superior weapons
    @Foinikas do you know if this Armenian guy has a Greek accent? The woman seems to have an Arabic/Armenian accent but the man's accent sounds totally Greek to me. I've seen a few of his songs. If I didn't know he was singing Armenian, I would have sworn it was Greek
    I saw your upvote on that thread regarding the deportation of Afghans from Turkey & Iran. So what is your belief? Do you see Turkey as a secular country? Just curious about your opinion as a Greek and what other Greeks think.
    I saw some posts full of insults and cursing directed at you. I reported them accordingly and you should do the same. I want this forum to be open to all. I really like how many foreigners this forum has. I like international dialogue and exchange of knowledge and opinions. I hope it does not fall down to haters.
    • Wow
    Reactions: Foinikas
    From the Chinese or MMM-E?
    No just some overly stupid Pakistanis whom have religious obsession as usual. I hope they get banned. This forum had plenty of educated Pakistanis whom I feel connected to, but still infected with the retarded overly zealous ones. It's not that I don't respect their opinions, even if irrational. But it has no place on a civilized forum. They need to limit themselves. And this forum does not allow religious topics.
    Now do you understand why they call them (like MMM-E) "ak-troll"? :) International defense forums are essentially diplomacy environments. They are the channels where people convey what they think to the other side.

    Diplomats are also selected from the most skilled, and they do so gracefully, even when threatening. :)

    But these ak-trolls are people who did not realize this. They think trolling is communication.
    You asked about me in a thread and when i replied i did not tell you my choice of username. It's of this cartoon that was a childhood favorite of mine
    Some of the Cobra figures I still have


    • IMG_20190101_151607.jpg
      397.4 KB · Views: 185
    Man,everything is trash from 2000 onwards: The cartoons,the music,the movies,the Gaming companies don't care about gamers,even Windows and internet sites try to look like smartphone apps now,it's just ugly.
    Agreed. I was a Backstreet Boys fan though, which is a 90s icon. But there's nothing new about them. 2014 was the worst year for me. It changed my life.
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