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  • Any discussion over Kashmir isn't one of swapping land, but getting Pakistan-India to agree to respect the borders of each other as they are. Ending, whether covert or overt, support of political/economical/military to secessionist groups in the other.

    After 70 years of war, what has been accomplished? Borders are still similar, but hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost.
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    Reactions: Indrajit
    Thəorətic Muslim
    Thəorətic Muslim
    With perhaps even China-India resolving their issues. The multilateral peace can serve as a framework for N. Korea-S. Korea/China/Japan, Israel-Neighbors.
    Thəorətic Muslim
    Thəorətic Muslim
    Europe is what it is today because the people have understood that thousands of years of war haven't increased the wealth of their Nations. Hundreds of millions have died, and the Nations are similar in boundaries. But with inter-economical dependencies Europe has flourished. The $ billions that would have been spent on militaries are spent towards education and social welfare.
    Thəorətic Muslim
    Thəorətic Muslim
    Even though I have American citizenship, I do hope some year i'll be able to catch a train in Lahore or Karachi and travel to Mumbai or Delhi.
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