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Sardar jokes are racist NOT funny

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Nov 15, 2009
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Im not a sikh myself but i do want to raise a point here...what makes a joke about a sikh any less insulting than when you target a black man ? or any other racist jokes..I absolutely dont like these kind of racist remarks and yes they are not jokes. Sikhs are remarkably cool about these kind of jokes but that is no excuse for us to keep making fun of them

And this isnt for the pakistanis only, i know that pakistanis and indians both indulge in this retarded form of humour

EDIT: Thanks to a member for reminding me, Pathan jokes are very insulting. One of the biggest arguments i have to hear from our pashtun brothers and i am ashamed to admit are these pathan jokes, to you lot they might just be jokes but in reality you are insulting them and creating ethnic barriers. And lets stop this " text Pathan jokes " culture in Pakistan, they are our countrymen and by circulating this non-sense you are just insulting and alienating them. So i would urge members to not only stop making these jokes but also to stop spreading those useless texts..and infact stop your friends who do so
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i 1000% agree i meet many sikhs and i don't got any thing wrong with them its too stupid to joke with a comunity please don't do it they are like us a good humen i reqest to members for don't post such posts

i love them because they are brave true simple humens.
r u referring to the thread created by zaki
comeon man their is nothing about racial in it,just some soft fun
even sikhs burst into laughter when they hear it
which alphabet of the word "racist" you dont understand ?

Anyways THIS IS NOT up for a debate, sardar jokes are off limits..period
well i am not for a debate on this issue here,as far as i understand racialism or not,u can make ur mind as u want
wth is racialism ? and no racist jokes enough said

---------- Post added at 12:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:35 AM ----------

Pathan jokes should be off limit too then.

exactly they should be !
Thanks to a member for reminding me, Pathan jokes are very insulting. One of the biggest arguments i have to hear from our pashtun brothers and i am ashamed to admit are these pathan jokes, to you lot they might just be jokes but in reality you are insulting them and creating ethnic barriers. And lets stop this " text Pathan jokes " culture in Pakistan, they are our countrymen and by circulating this non-sense you are just insulting and alienating them. So i would urge members to not only stop making these jokes but also to stop spreading those useless texts..and infact stop your friends who do so
Don't be so serious with each other, everybody should be able to laugh about himself
There's a difference between laghing at oneself and keep making fun of a race jus because of their 'race' and sikhs hate these jokes
Jokes are jokes, always to be taken with a pinch of salt.

That being said, in my opinion - based on my observations, I feel that those people or communities who are mature enough to understand the imperfections or little idiosyncrasies within themselves and take it in their stride by making fun of those very peculiarities are comfortable with their shortcomings and can and do tolerate jokes. Infact they themselves indulge in cracking such jokes. Such jokes cannot be called racist. (potshots using words like the 'N' word are a different ball game altogether - but surprisingly its alright and infact funny when another black uses the term).

Imho, it requires a level of maturity and comfort for a people or community that comes with ages of wisdom being passed through generations. Those who are not mature cannot see the humor or wisdom in those jokes.

Btw, I havent seen any Sardar complaining about 'Sardar jokes'. Case in point - Jaspal Bhatti!

All this is much ado about nothing!
To say Sardar jokes are racist and not funny is wrong. They mostly are funny and mostly are racist, together.

South Park is really funny too, but no one would disagree that South Park is extremely racist - equal opportunity offender claims aside.

Although with South Park people who want to watch it, do so out of their free will. Fwding Texts negates the freewill.
I agree sardar jokes are racists and i always refrain posting such things. I am strictly against attacking any community of the world just for the sake of fun.

If you created this thread for my today's thread then please do read the full post before deciding whether it was against any community or was a pure joke. I don't think it was offensive for anybody and i highly doubt that joke is written by a sardar himself.

Look at the thread again


Out of 10 thanks i received i believe 6 thanks left by Indian members and i am sure if any sardar would have read it completely he would not have object at all.

That was not offensive for any community in fact that joke was indirectly praising Sardar's.
About 80% of the pathan jokes I get are from pathan's themselves, if they have no issue with it, then whats the problem. I dont support making fun of anybody's caste, religion or creed, but if you must stop pathan and sikh jokes, stop memon jokes,blond jokes, stop jokes about parties or people and stop jokes about the various nationalities. Then stop jokes about doctors and engineers and etc etc.

Yes admittedly some jokes cross the line, but it is jokes and satire which keeps the government of today off balance and lets them know they aren't untouchable. Its also jokes about the taliban that let us feel a lighter side and feel a little secure sub consciously against an otherwise blood thirsty bunch.
And if it weren't for sardarji jokes, sardarji's wouldnt be known throughout the world as a merry bunch. Khushwant singh has no issue with them currently.
And if you really have such an issue with it, better write first to Azhar Usman who does Allah made me funny, and has no issue making fun of Muslim idiosyncrasies.
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