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"I haven't got pay from last 7 months" - Punjab Police constable weeping on the road


Dec 25, 2016
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The whole Policing service in Pakistan is relic from the colonial era. It was a force created to keep the British in power. That is why they spend most of their time protecting the elite. that is what they were created for. This service needs a complete 21st century overhaul. Sack all of them and start again.
All educated young generation is disheartened from Pakistan for the exact same reason. Listen to this guy, it's not just extreme mindset producing criminals and terrorist. It's this system which don't let you come up because these so called educated class of 1960s are still sitting on major positions. The VCs, HODs, Directors of all institutes are crooks and para likha Jahil class. They don't let the new blood and competent students come up. They hire people who do their TC. And this is not in just police, it's in education, industry, banking, bureaucracy in fact in every single department of Pakistan... Shame!! such a shame....
I feel sorry for this man but this sort of appeal to the public goes against the "discipline" of the force. There are internal redressal routes for government employees. Especially law enforcement and security service, yes talking about macro level can be seen as a bit of "pooh, pooh" but what I will say here is that police reform is "essential" at this stage in Punjab from the top down.

Blue and Khaki collar workers struggle in the present broken system, sadly!

Just my two cents!
This is criminal, not social injustice ... if this was to happen in West, there would be lawsuits and high damages and a Chief or two would be fired.

We are not in the west, which chief would you fire in Pakistan? The CPO? the IG? or would you not work to demolish and rebuild the "system" the encourages "mittey pawo" culture!?
We are not in the west, which chief would you fire in Pakistan? The CPO? the IG? or would you not work to demolish and rebuild the "system" the encourages "mittey pawo" culture!?

What he's doing will promote exactly this need to demolish and rebuild. KPK model is there, do we hear such voices post rebuilding they are going through?
The whole Policing service in Pakistan is relic from the colonial era. It was a force created to keep the British in power. That is why they spend most of their time protecting the elite. that is what they were created for. This service needs a complete 21st century overhaul. Sack all of them and start again.

There are a lot of exemples of countries totally refounding their police forces. From totally corrupt forces who's main missions were aimed at protecting the state and those in power rather than the general public,to less corrupt,more transparent,well trained,equipped and extremly efficiant ones who's main missions are to protect and serve the general public. The result is the massive public's gained over the time. Estonia and Georgia are two good exemples.

Now,totally rebuilding Police forces requires real political will,but are politicians in Pakistan ready for it ?
What he's doing will promote exactly this need to demolish and rebuild. KPK model is there, do we hear such voices post rebuilding they are going through?
KPK model is there because you have an officer who can LEAD, Naasir Khan Durrani, and administration that is open to ideas (PTI). No such thing in the Punjab, you think he is the first Punjabi police constable to air his views?

Like I said, there exists an internal structure within a disciplined force that allowed grievances to be noted and raised up the chain of command. Going outside these rules and regulations will only end in one way, a show cause notice!

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