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Why India has lost more wars than Pakistan

You midget South H!ndians bought the Brits into South Asia and thought you would inherit the British entity that the East H!ndia company created, our forefathers turned that thought upside down and around:lol::lol::lol: and now kindly do everyone a favour, log off you little mental midget and take your literary excrement to that Bharat Rakhshak were your propaganda and nonsense may find some sort of absurd validation.

lol.. Aren't you the same shameless dolt who was trying to prove Punjabi superiority by naming historical Punjabi empires and all you could come up with was Porus? :D Abhi take sharam se khudkushi nhi ki tune?
Let us discuss the results..(according to your post)
1. Pakistan divided to two halves or Pakistan lost half of its territory..
2. India lost 1/3 of Kashmir.. That is Pakistan occupied part of Kashmir..

No need of your education man.. We are also saying the same things.. That is why we are claiming Pak administrated Kashmir is ours..
1.india and pak fought for kashmir -result+ india got 2/3 part ,pakistan got 1/3 part..
2.pakistan lost half of it in 1971.
Its clear who lost and who won..
lol.. Aren't you the same shameless dolt who was trying to prove Punjabi superiority by naming historical Punjabi empires and all you could come up with was Porus? :D Abhi take sharam se khudkushi nhi ki tune?
Kabuli Shahi you clown, north west Punjabi kingdom.learn some history you gangadweller.
Why did india lose despite having a numerical advantage? :lol:
Kabuli Shahi you clown, north west Punjabi kingdom.learn some history you gangadweller.

Once again... You need to name a genuine Punjabi empire, not an Afghan Empire which subjugated and ruled over Punjabi land.. Kabul Shahi was an Afghan entity, not Punjabi.. Try again.. :D
Once again... You need to name a genuine Punjabi empire, not an Afghan Empire which subjugated and ruled over Punjabi land.. Kabul Shahi was an Afghan entity, not Punjabi.. Try again.. :D
HAHHAHAAAAAAA it was a Potohari kingdom/empire that ruled medieval Afghanistan, go do some basic research, it is well known history, I presume next you are going to say Tamil Nadu subjugated ancient Rome :lol::lol: contrary to historical reality lol, now do me a favour you little worm, go and make your way to the swamp that is the Ganga, Log off and do not waste my time as you are now on my ignore list might Tamil warrior:lol:
Still doesn't answer my question

The areas we are holding over looks siachin. Plus Siachin's cold is doing us a favor also. :cool:
Question in which you will impose your perceived answer come into category of rhetoric question. You know the answer hence i provided the justification for that imaginative answer.
The areas we are holding over looks siachin. Plus Siachin's cold is doing us a favor also.

which areas look over siachen?

India took siachen because it looks over other areas LOL!

we are up you are down :P

and because of us you have to send your troops to enjoy cold similar way :D

The results were somewhat like this,I will try my best to be neutral so no bias!
PS:Let's not forget that India has always had a numerical superiority over Pakistan and technologically India wasn't weaker in all the wars either,Some indians resort to the logic of "Technological superiority" to hide their failures.
1965 At the time both India and Pakistan fielded the best main battle tanks from the British and Americans.
  • The first war 1947 Pakistan gains 1/3rd of Kashmir.
  • Second war 1965,India gains more territory as compared to Pakistan ,Pakistan loses more tanks in the battle-field due to incursion into deep Indian territories and lack of tactical superiority ,Pakistan becomes victorious in the largest tank battle since WW2 effectively driving the invading Indian forces away, Primary objective of Pakistan fails to gain all of Kashmir from India,Primarily objective of India fails to gain Lahore from Pakistan ends up a stalemate.
  • India’s 3rd war Sino-Indian War - Wikipedia ,The Chinese were agitated because of the Tibetan uprising when India gave asylum to dalai lama ,other reasons were borderline disputes as from the name it suggests “Aksai chin” was a part of ancient china.
  • 4th war Independence of bangladesh,Pakistan faces defeat due to lack of political stability in East Pakistan,The defeat was the fault of our own people that lived under the shadows of dictators, It was a huge militarily predicament of defending a territory separated by 2000 Kilometers of Indian territory,The USSR tried to induce a civil war with the help of Indian intelligence and KGB and it succeeded in doing so because by 1970 USSR and China were having major disputes on various issues and China was moving into the Non-aligned policy with the help of Pakistan acting as a mediator to open ties with Nixon .

Its own record that Sam Mankeshaw ,The CIC of indian army at the time in an interview said that they prepared the invasion months prior to the events leading up.

Sam Manekshaw knew that India had overwhelming superiority.
  1. Numerical Superiority
  2. Geographical(Defending Pakistani forces on Eastern front were surrounded).
  3. tactical
  4. Political(The situation turned into civil war and all sides massacring one another).
  • 5th war also known as Kargil war: Kargil - Wikipedia..India had militarized the peaks surrounding the border with Pakistan in 1970s this agitated the Pakistani military to launch a well planed incursion into the heights not until 1999 because political situation wasn’t assisting the military to launch an offensive so they went ahead with it not until 1999 ,Even so the Pakistan air force was literary grounded in 1999 because of sanctions after the atomic tests restricted the air force ,Its the major reason why it didn’t take part in the conflict even though it had a clear Historical supremacy over its adversary..
  • The cause of the conflict was the infiltration of Pakistani soldiers and Kashmiri militants into positions on the Indian side of the Line of control . Pakistani troops did not cross the International Borders at any stage of the conflict. Pakistan’s objective was to drive Indians out of Siachin and highlight Kashmir Issue in the eyes of the world.

  • In the spring of 1999, on the orders of Pakistan Army Chief, General Pervez Musharraf, Pakistani soldiers climbed up the snow-bound passes and occupied some high positions, including Tiger Hill and Point 5353, in the vacant area and infiltrated almost 10 km into the Indian territory ( still short of International Border). These positions overlooked Indian National Highway (NH 1 D). Pakistan was in a strong position to cut off supplies and winter dumping and thus force Indians to withdraw from the Siachin Glacier which they militarized since 1970s.

The Indians were caught off guard. They tried to evict the positions but failed. They used a large number of Artillery guns and also used their air force against Pakistani positions. Two Indian aircraft were also shot down by Stinger Missiles. Indian aircraft violated Pakistani air space but they never admitted it openly. One of their pilots, Flight Lieutenant Nachiketa, who ejected after his aircraft was shot down, was captured from the Pakistani territory. Indians ultimately complained to the International community and finally on pressure by the USA, Pakistani Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, ordered the withdrawal of troops. Most of the casualties of “Operation Koh-e-Paima” were inflicted during the withdrawal. In General Musharraf’s words “A military victory was converted into a political defeat.”

Point 5353 is the highest point in Drass-Kargil area. Its recapture was the most important objective for Indian forces during the Kargil Conflict. But they could never come close to it.

Point 5353 is still occupied by Pakistan, even 14 years after the battle. Pakistan has since fortified it with reinforced bunkers. After the end of the war, Indians tried many times to capture Point 5353 but all their efforts failed.

Ultimately Pakistanis withdrew and India regains possession of Kargil with no Territorial changes,Hence it was another stalemate.

The final point between Pakistan and India stands as .

Wars won by Pakistan : 1 (1947) :Stalemate (2) 1965 and 1999. lost 1 1971

Wars won by India :1 1971( Kargil according to many Indians was a victory but actually it was a stalemate because no territorial changes on either side,With heavy losses on Indian side)..

Wars lost by India 2.. 1947 and Chinese Invasion.

Indian Stalemate: 1 1965(They failed to secure their objectives by opening a second front in Pakistani Punjab and secure their primary objectives)

I hope we Pakistanis now realize that how much political stability matters in wars,had we not have constant coups leading up to 1971 ,Its possible Bangladesh would've kept together instead of stabbing ourselves in the back..
Indhira gandhi Would've automatically had a heart attack.:rofl:

1) 1948 war. Pakistan didn't only occupy AJK and GB. It cut of strategic land access of India to Afghanistan and Central Asia and to Karakoram Highway. Till today India asks for transit rights, its eyeing energy of Central Asia and has to adopt the long and unfeasible route via Iran and sea.

2) Sanctions might have affected in 1999 in terms of limited hours of F-16 but it didn't ground the airforce as the article claims cuz there were alot of variety of othercraft as well. Pakistan was doing air patrols in its territory yet resorted not to bomb territory inside Indian occupied Kashmir as officially we weren't claiming our NLI guys were inside. Sending in airforce would have meant we broke Article 2(4) of UN Charter thereby inviting an International Community's punitive response.
India was in begging state in 1971 and Pak has back-up support from West,US,China and Arab .... We all know the result.Now in 2017 India is 7times more powerful and Pak is 7 time more weaker than 1971. :lol:

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