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UAE to rethink on ties with Pakistan post killing of five diplomats

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All you have done throughout this thread is post chacha, mama, nanny gossips. Please continue, I love what it is doing to your credibility.

People who work, live or have relative in UAE knows how they are treated there, so those people understand what I posted.
People who work, live or have relative in UAE knows how they are treated there, so those people understand what I posted.

Didn't you ask them why do they bother living here then?

Please keep on chasing your own tail.

Have a good evening!
I think era of emotional binding is over, resources are low and dependents are high. UAE govt is now run by foreign grads and they talk business not emotions. If UAE find cheap and better skilled labor from India then they will obviously go to Indian. We Pakistani should stop thinking emotionally . Time to act responsible . UAE govt is saving its national interest and doing right things . Its Pakistani govt national responsibility to protect its interest.
I think era of emotional binding is over, resources are low and dependents are high. UAE govt is now run by foreign grads and they talk business not emotions. If UAE find cheap and better skilled labor from India then they will obviously go to Indian. We Pakistani should stop thinking emotionally . Time to act responsible . UAE govt is saving its national interest and doing right things . Its Pakistani govt national responsibility to protect its interest.

Secondly, forget how we treat Pakistanis, how do your embassies and consulates treat your country men is a shame for us.
India is definitely winning with regard to developing stronger economic and political bonds with the GCC / Gulf Arab states, but that is to be expected since India has had a great historical and socio-cultural / civilizational impact on the Arabian Peninsula since time immemorial.

I expect the UAE and other GCC states to get even closer to India over the coming years/decades, especially as India's economy continues to undergo rapid growth. Sooner or later, the Arabian Peninsula will come under India's fold.
India is definitely winning with regard to developing stronger economic and political bonds with the GCC / Gulf Arab states, but that is to be expected since India has had a great historical and socio-cultural / civilizational impact on the Arabian Peninsula since time immemorial.

I expect the UAE and other GCC states to get even closer to India over the coming years/decades, especially as India's economy continues to undergo rapid growth. Sooner or later, the Arabian Peninsula will come under India's fold.
And what this has to do with this thread ?

And what "historical and socio-cultural / civilizational impact on the Arabian Peninsula" you are talking about ?
India is definitely winning with regard to developing stronger economic and political bonds with the GCC / Gulf Arab states, but that is to be expected since India has had a great historical and socio-cultural / civilizational impact on the Arabian Peninsula since time immemorial.

I expect the UAE and other GCC states to get even closer to India over the coming years/decades, especially as India's economy continues to undergo rapid growth. Sooner or later, the Arabian Peninsula will come under India's fold.
Its common perception among us ( Pakistani) " our arab brothers " , well they are our brothers but they have people to feed and provide job too. Its common sense they will not starve there nation and feed others.
What special UAE is doing?? Help build infrastructure in areas which had militants, did UAE not supported institutions which were involved in creating militants?? KSA, US also doin same too, and they should, because we have paid heavy price of their funding.

I don't hate UAE or any Arab state, I hate their behavior and hypocrisy with Pakistan and Pakistanis.

I'm sorry to jump in... Everyone in Pakistan says they doesn’t hate Arabs but......... FACT is Pakistan is the biggest contributor to Iran's militant operations in Arab world.
I hope you know what those Pakistanis are doing in Iraq, Syria and Yemen... their acts reflects nothing but over doze of hate.
Now question is what went so wrong with Pakistani Shia that they started hating Arabs more than a common Irani... .
Answer is simple... the common langauge, which you just stated is too common among Pakistani Shia community... there can't be other reason than systematic brainwashing with nonsense and if someone from out of Shia community ask for logic.. he is systematically abused, he is labeled sectarian, eventually he leaves or is banned unfairly.

However, i keep asking one question to those posters... while so much is being said about some thing which dosn't seem reality by farthest dimension. Why is it than same people plead and even intimidate Pakistanis to sacrifice for Iran, to accomadate Iran, while Iran is openly in cahoots with India in Afghanistan and Baluchistan, never did any good to Pakistan, had history of being involved in acts, which even India hasn't committed against Pakistan.

Since you complain about Arab behavior... can you or any other of you just simply start a thread and stop trolling for ever on various discussions of importance?

Imagine it is always me who post such thread of strategic importance... while you don't even miss to RIP even enemies of Pakistan!
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They will not even blink without permission from ksa..a..another western source having no idea how middle east works
Yeah right.

Even tiny Qatar (your country of residence) doesn't listen to Saudi Arabia these days. In fact, it opposes Saudi Arabia on almost every issue you could possibly think of, especially when it comes to Qatar's excessive support towards the Muslim Brotherhood across the region, which has greatly alarmed the Saudi rulers and led to diplomatic spats between the two countries.

As for the UAE, the Emiratis couldn't care less what the Saudis say. Saudi Arabia isn't even the UAE's main trade partner. And as of late, it's the Emiratis who are actually influencing Saudi foreign policy, not the other way round, especially in places like Libya and Yemen.
Its common perception among us ( Pakistani) " our arab brothers " , well they are our brothers but they have people to feed and provide job too. Its common sense they will not starve there nation and feed others.

Propaganda on defence.pk goes against the claim of ''common perception'' you just stated.
In reality Pakistanis have lived their generations among Arabs and Iranians in the same middleast and if they don't find Iranians as brotherly as Arabs than it is not Arabs to be blamed at !!!
I expect the UAE and other GCC states to get even closer to India over the coming years/decades, especially as India's economy continues to undergo rapid growth. Sooner or later, the Arabian Peninsula will come under India's fold.
You are a bit wrong. Indian economy started to grow because of Arab states. The discrimination of Pakistani businesses is what Arab nations did. They provided India with foot hold in Afghanistan so Pakistan should do the same. Pakistan should balance between Iran and Arab collation. We should have ties with both and If any nation falls out of line with our interest. If Arab moves towards India, Pakistan will get cheap gas and oil from Iran and with Iran under mostly sanction our trade with the country will give us more economical boost. Tit for Tat is the only language world understands.
And what this has to do with this thread ?

And what "historical and socio-cultural / civilizational impact on the Arabian Peninsula" you are talking about ?
It's a response to a few comments in this thread that suggested/implied that the UAE is getting closer to India and somehow "abandoning" Pakistan.
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