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IAF to finally have desi ‘eye in the sky’ to look into Pakistan, China

An objective viewing of China-India relations will show who has overestimated themselves. And who lost a large amount of territory for it.

The disputes are still there to be resolved, India and its neighbors like Tibet has nothing to do with a Han or Cantonese who live thousands of miles away.

Regarding the strength, China is an infant which grew up under the eyes of Global MNCs. India chose much better path and even though it takes time, it is worth a wait for us.
The disputes are still there to be resolved, India and its neighbors like Tibet has nothing to do with a Han or Cantonese who live thousands of miles away.

Regarding the strength, China is an infant which grew up under the eyes of Global MNCs. India chose much better path and even though it takes time, it is worth a wait for us.
Stop live in denial. We standing on Tibet Plateau and always eyes upon on you. You can't handle Pakistan, you dream to handle China?
Anyway, you can have Dalai Lama as a mascot. I know Dalai Lama promised he will put Tibet under India' rein if he can't regain power in Tibet. Only in his wet dream. China is now a nation of overwhelming military advantage against India, Nehru defeat is quite a lesson.
You can't handle micro Taiwan and Vietnam forget about mighty India ... btw how about South China Sea?? Big brother is coming just wait and see...:rofl:
Philipine is our friend once again. What Yankess can do? As to Taiwan, it's just a matter of time. India can't do shit about China. And we will keep provide weapon system to Pakistan and BD. Which means we will let you feel very uncomfortable in the future. All you can do is Brahmos, some cheap OPV that BD doesn't even want to have a look at it.
Why are you worried? Provide as many 'Made in China' weapons to whomever you want but if India provides 'ONE BASE' to Yankees in Andaman Islands your game is over. :enjoy:

btw If you have guts send a small Naval ship towards micro Taiwan.

Re: Big brother is coming just wait and see.
Try to deal China without selling your self out. Why you always bring USA into topic, I see you don't have enough confidence to face China on your own.
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What is the use of military if you can grind only on pdf?
Lel Indian administered Tibet other side #FreeTibet..:P

How are your products any good?
All are Russia US blueprint & global market share well below 6%.It's a shameful transformation for a century old army.
Your exports itself relies on Pakistan only & few in Bangladesh..Also those are sold not cause of it's quality but cheapness.:lol:
On the other side you people consider yourselves on par with USA.Such unicorn bs:omghaha:..Get over with your amour propre..

You had also started from somewhere like India is doing..
countries inducting Chinese weapons including: Saudi Arab, UAE, Qatar, African countries( too many I don't wanna name it), Uzbekistan, Kazakstan, Tukmenistan Morocco, Bangladeshi, Pakistan, Siri Lanka, Myanmar, North Korea, Iraq, Iran,Turkey, Syria, Peru, Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia,Thailand,even Vietnam. Diesel engine for Russian Mob class corvette etc......

Unlike Russia, we don't count on selling weapons to make a living.

Why are you worried? Provide as many 'Made in China' weapons to whomever you want but if India provides 'ONE BASE' to Yankees in Andaman Islands your game is over. :enjoy:

btw If you have guts send a small Naval ship towards micro Taiwan.

Re: Big brother is coming just wait and see.
Recently the Chinese CBG was sailing around Taiwan, even the USA government said nothing against it.
:rofl: Grapes are sour..
BTW three countries Pakistan,Bangladesh & Myanmar makes around 80% of Chinese weapons export..Where sell to Pakistan is based on the common interest that is against India..
It's still humiliating for a century old army..
India isn't doing any better than China as you have thousands years history. I mean where the hell are those baseless arrogance coming from? I can't understand. China makes tremendous development when suffer embargo from the west, what exactly you have achieved when you are flattered by the whole west? If a war breaks out, the result won't be any different than 1962. A huge defeat for India.
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You can't handle micro Taiwan and Vietnam forget about mighty India ... btw how about South China Sea?? Big brother is coming just wait and see...:rofl:

I like the way china returned the US under water drone very politely. Since they can not handle Vietnam and Taiwan, they are trying something else.
I like the way china returned the US under water drone very politely. Since they can not handle Vietnam and Taiwan, they are trying something else.
Vietnam, a country whose capital city was nearly occupied by PLA. Yeh, I be to mention India is even more not worth a mention compared with Vietnam in battle ability.
Vietnam, a country whose capital city was nearly occupied by PLA. Yeh, I be to mention India is even more not worth a mention compared with Vietnam in battle ability.

We also know what vietnam did to china.
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