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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Weather conditions are fucked in Al-Bab, there is snow and thick fog, beside multiple VBIED's we're also hit by multiple ATMG strikes. We have 10 KIA's and 18 wounded, 6 of them seriously. (other sources claim 14 KIA, 10 confirmed by the TSK).
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Shitty day. Good gains in the morning then they were lost.

Members of Euphrates shield should also refrain from posting too many pictures online, it can reveal our positions.

Weather conditions are fucked in Al-Bab, there is snow and thick fog, beside multiple VBIED's we're also hit by multiple ATMG strikes. We have 10 KIA's and 18 wounded, 6 of them seriously. (other sources claim 14 KIA, 10 confirmed by the TSK). View attachment 362267View attachment 362268View attachment 362271
Weather is no excuse.
I trust the Turkish soldiers all the way. It's no easy task when you carry fallen comrade and retreat in the same time. It must be hell for them. We need to understand their situation and more over The Commander's must learn their mistakes and deploy comandos the right way so Explosion effects them minimum.
I think Isis trying to make TSK advance into al Bab then they attack them ...This how they think...Plz Keep tsk in back and let FSA enter the city
that's why regional army generals should discuss and work together rather than listening to civilian leaders whose policy causes these deaths
I wondered what's the general sentiment in Turkey about this operation ? What are the Turkish PDF's members opinions about this operation ?

We know that this operation is a must for Turkish Nation's security, but we are complaining about the way of our stupid commanders use with their "strategy".

It is pathetic that we cannot use our choppers. Just, pat-he-tic. Watch this video

How many minutes took to destroy detected enemy target? 30 minutes? 1 hour??? What if it wasnt just a pickup but bunch of bomb cars that aproaching to our soldiers??? And that is literally what happened today.

I am hundred percent sure there are footages like that video above, our UAVs recorded IS bomb cars aproaching our boys and explode themself, and we could only WATCH. If it was an attack chopper, all the moving targets would be neutralised looong ago before they go where whey wanted to go.

We should use towed cirit system. We don't need to put tanks all over out in the open to blow up some pickup trucks or small fortifications. Just have the towed cirit. If it gets hit with An ATGM who cares no casualties.


And we need snipers all over looking for these AT teams.

We need a temporary APS work around, maybe miniguns to shoot down incoming missiles. Something like a mini phalanx

Guys don't freak out too much look at the 2006 Lebanon war casualties.

I wondered what's the general sentiment in Turkey about this operation ? What are the Turkish PDF's members opinions about this operation ?
It's necessary, we can't allow a Kurdish PKK backed state south of our border to Syria. That would be devastating
I saw another one i post it here not sure if it's near al bab showing isis casualties

Another one this is definitely shelling it look like the target was located using an uav
What I said wasn't wrong, you dipshit. Turks have never defeated Iranians in any war. Arabs did, but only because the Sassanids were too exhausted after fighting the byzantines for centuries.

Name me one war in which the Turks defeated any Iranian or Persian army.

You should discuss it in another thread.

Too many. But that is the price we have to pay because our AKP wanted a "peace process" with PKK terrorists.

As far as I know ISIS hit you and not pkk. Also, Syrian war as ISIS is not the result of "peace process".
Also, Syrian war as ISIS is not the result of "peace process".

Are you kidding me? Half of the PKK went to Northern Syria to fight against IS and create PKK State, they trained thousands of native and get them into their ranks. If there wasnt any peace progress, they couldnt send huge amount of PKK members into Syria, also they cannot even move in Turkey due to possible huge casualties they could face, like they are facing in Turkey right now.

IS changed it's rotation to Northern Aleppo area after they lost eastern Euphrates against US Airforce, that is how the sh*tstorm started for N.Aleppo rebels and Turkey.
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