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Facebook blocked in Bangladesh

Seems like Spitfighter failed to answer Post#26 , it happens when you start ranting before understanding the situation :wave:
let me tell you one thing...
Why you fcuking hindu extremist kill muslims, when they zibah a cow.
Or OK wait!!! let me insult your Kaali, Neeli, Peeli Maatay!!!!

how you felt? angry? Imagine what will be the reaction in India if i make a page of such insults on Facebook.

In all seriousness, I couldn't care less. My beliefs won't be shaken because someone decides to insult my faith, what difference does it make?

In India the RSS and VHP would protest, but the rest of the country would carry on.

You are ignorant! Go fetch internet to remove dirt from your mind.
It is already declared haram in ISLAM many times, many grand conferences of Islamic Scholars have took place on that issue.

Yeah, but I'm talking about widespread protests through out the muslim world, like we had during the Danish cartoon episode.

Why isn't the public outraged at these heinous acts committed in the name of Islam?

Why isn't sh!t hitting the fan like it did all over the world over the Danish cartoons every time a bomb goes off?

By the way the fight was brought to your doorstep by the TTP, your government was happily negotiating with them before they spread like wildfire and you had no choice but to fight them.

But you must understand that I'm not just talking about Pakistanis, I'm talking about Islamic socities in General. It seems people are more interested in 'defending' their faith when some joker tries to mock it rather than expressing their outrage when fascists commit crimes in Islams name.

Wouldn't you agree that the Muslim population has been a lot less vocal in condemning extremism than it has been when it comes to expressing their anger against the cartoons?

^^This is the only point I'm trying to make. My girl is Muslim and I have better things to do than insult Islam. As far as I'm concerned you're just a normal guy like I am, with normal problems like the rest of us, so there's no need to get defensive. I sincerely believe that Islamic societies are their own worst enemy, they have regressive policies, they're mixing religion with state and that's what's ultimately responsible for all these problems. Pakistan's recent actions for example are just a result of flawed, outdated policies. The society etc are all affected by the same.

I'm willing to give you the whole spiel if you're interested (not today, perhaps tomorrow). Sorry if I sound a little blunt, but I'm not one to mince my words.

Here again it reflects you r are too much naive!
Their were many protests all over the Muslim world but Pakistan government was the one to ban it...

Read above, you misunderstood my post.

---------- Post added at 07:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:40 PM ----------

Seems like Spitfighter failed to answer Post#26 , it happens when you start ranting before understanding the situation :wave:

Not exactly...:P
In all seriousness, I couldn't care less. My beliefs won't be shaken because someone decides to insult my faith, what difference does it make?

In India the RSS and VHP would protest, but the rest of the country would carry on.

Yeah, but I'm talking about widespread protests through out the muslim world, like we had during the Danish cartoon episode.

Why isn't the public outraged at these heinous acts committed in the name of Islam?

Why isn't sh!t hitting the fan like it did all over the world over the Danish cartoons every time a bomb goes off?

By the way the fight was brought to your doorstep by the TTP, your government was happily negotiating with them before they spread like wildfire and you had no choice but to fight them.

But you must understand that I'm not just talking about Pakistanis, I'm talking about Islamic socities in General. It seems people are more interested in 'defending' their faith when some joker tries to mock it rather than expressing their outrage when fascists commit crimes in Islams name.

Wouldn't you agree that the Muslim population has been a lot less vocal in condemning extremism than it has been when it comes to expressing their anger against the cartoons?

^^This is the only point I'm trying to make. My girl is Muslim and I have better things to do than insult Islam. As far as I'm concerned you're just a normal guy like I am, with normal problems like the rest of us, so there's no need to get defensive. I sincerely believe that Islamic societies are their own worst enemy, they have regressive policies, they're mixing religion with state and that's what's ultimately responsible for all these problems. Pakistan's recent actions for example are just a result of flawed, outdated policies. The society etc are all affected by the same.

I'm willing to give you the whole spiel if you're interested (not today, perhaps tomorrow). Sorry if I sound a little blunt, but I'm not one to mince my words.

Read above, you misunderstood my post.

---------- Post added at 07:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:40 PM ----------

Not exactly...:P

Babri Mosque destruction is a proud undertaking of the Indians. The following riots were icing on the cake for you. The Sikh slaughter by the Hindus is just an expected reaction to the killing of Indira.

Did you mince your words when the Sikhs were getting slaughtered ?

There is a huge difference between protesting and slaughter of the innocents by the thousands. Indians choose to do the latter. Hope you understand that.

I do try to pull the heads out for folks when they bury their heads you know where. In your case you are in too deep.
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cool down buddies!!!!!!!!!!! No point fighting on non-issue!
We all are brothers.

Missing point!

Brother, you will find some Bangladeshis in BD who hate Pakistan and will get many Bangladeshis who love PK. Maximum Bangladeshis like PK but, sadly, the number of them is decreasing day by day here. Do you know many BD peoples just laugh at PK to see the bloody retarded terrorists and they know PK as a terrorist factory but they are well wisher of PK?!!
Look at just two days ago - the stupid Lahore attack where brothers killed brothers during prayer time! Such stupid people have been indoctrinated (although unintentional) in PK society! There are enough reasons that the number of PK-haters growing in BD to see these blunders. So, try to fix your image in BD about PK before telling us why many BD-people hate PK. What PK has done to retrieve its good image? May be trying but failed and the proof is recent Lahore attack! So do not blame and hate BD people if they hate PK for these stupid terrorist attacks. We wish you all the best and no offense intended if you can understand what I want to say. Thanks.
Hahaha, an person who don't have believe on GOD is telling us how to behave!!!!!!!!!!! This is really funny...!
Go man run away from here! you cannot understand feelings of any religious person.

Who says god has anything to do with religion.

I believe in god. Not rituals. I believe in having a positive effect on my family, myself and society as a whole. I'm going to explore this curious gift of life, make mistakes, learn from them and try to be the best person I can be.

That's what all of should ultimately strive to do. What matters is in what's in the heart, not mechanically following some steps.
It is a temporary ban I suppose, and will be open as soon as the pornogrhaphic contents related to our PM and Opposition leaders were cleaned.

But I dont support the ban. They should had asked the owner of those contents to be removed immediately.
Babri Mosque destruction is a proud undertaking of the Indians. The following riots were icing on the cake for you. The Sikh slaughter by the Hindus is just an expected reaction to the killing of Indira.

AFAIK the courts have held BJP members for inciting religious violence. What now?

Will you rant about Gujrat now?

Who says India is without problems? We've made stunning progress despite great odds, but that's not what my post was about, why don't you reply to my post?
Its so retarded tht spitfire a hindu objects to wat muslim countries do to insult F.b for printing blashphemous images?
While Pakistanis an bengladesi r taunting eachother hes takin advantage of pushin his baseless agenda into this thread???
Same happened in 71 era..these terrorists took advantage and showed there true colors.
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AFAIK the courts have held BJP members for inciting religious violence. What now?
Will you rant about Gujrat now?

Who says India is without problems? We've made stunning progress despite great odds, but that's not what my post was about, why don't you reply to my post?

Have they been convicted?
Wat about samjhota express culprits?the indian army officer who provided explosives to terrorists?
Stop ur rant.....u know nothin abt islam or anythin else......its the internal issue of our respective countries u have no right to interfare....
Thia is Pakistan not nepal
AFAIK the courts have held BJP members for inciting religious violence. What now?

Will you rant about Gujrat now?

Who says India is without problems? We've made stunning progress despite great odds, but that's not what my post was about, why don't you reply to my post?

Your post is about throwing mud at Muslims. you enjoy it. You can say it. There is no reason to hide it. You are in US, its not India.

No you didn't make stunning progress. I doubt you made any prorgess at all.

The caste system in India is thriving. It is illegal only in paper. The dowry system where the bride is treated as a liability.

You have made stunning progress in killing female fetus though. The jingle "spend 600 rupees now , save 50000 rupees later" has gone high tech. Now you advertise door to door with ultra sonogram to kill the fetus.

Your culture and religion is same as claimed by so many Indians.

There is one major slaughter in India in every 8-10 years. Its almost time for another one for you guys. Guess you are gonna be busy pretty soon.
In all seriousness, I couldn't care less. My beliefs won't be shaken because someone decides to insult my faith, what difference does it make?
I realized after my post that you are atheist so no point you r going angry on my post.

In India the RSS and VHP would protest, but the rest of the country would carry on.

This is same here..... but it doesn't mean that others are not angry. Many choose different methods to show their anger as has been done by other Muslim Countries.. No one can judge rightness or wrongness of both type of protests!

Protest is our right and their is nothing wrong with that. If our feelings are hurt than we should atleast convey message to them to stop their activities.

Yeah, but I'm talking about widespread protests through out the muslim world, like we had during the Danish cartoon episode.

Why isn't the public outraged at these heinous acts committed in the name of Islam?

Why isn't sh!t hitting the fan like it did all over the world over the Danish cartoons every time a bomb goes off?

Suicide bombing is not insult of religion but insult of humanity!! Few brainwashed kids blowing themselves cannot be associated with any religion by any mean. So no point expecting any reaction from any people of particular religion only.
Now who brainwash them and why is an other matter, and discussing it here will turn this thread to flames thus refrained but I must assure you that those are not Muslims but enemies of Pakistan.
Indians have also produced many hindu suicide bombers for Srilanka and Pakistan, but have any Liberal Hindus protested against it???

I think you got the idea what i was talking about.

By the way the fight was brought to your doorstep by the TTP, your government was happily negotiating with them before they spread like wildfire and you had no choice but to fight them.

No fight was brought in our door step by Mosad and RAW. And name of their agents is TTP. Original Afghani Taliban have many time denied their relations with TTP.

But you must understand that I'm not just talking about Pakistanis, I'm talking about Islamic socities in General. It seems people are more interested in 'defending' their faith when some joker tries to mock it rather than expressing their outrage when fascists commit crimes in Islams name.

Wouldn't you agree that the Muslim population has been a lot less vocal in condemning extremism than it has been when it comes to expressing their anger against the cartoons?

^^This is the only point I'm trying to make. My girl is Muslim and I have better things to do than insult Islam. As far as I'm concerned you're just a normal guy like I am, with normal problems like the rest of us, so there's no need to get defensive. I sincerely believe that Islamic societies are their own worst enemy, they have regressive policies, they're mixing religion with state and that's what's ultimately responsible for all these problems. Pakistan's recent actions for example are just a result of flawed, outdated policies. The society etc are all affected by the same.

I totally agree with you here....... Our society do have problems and these must be solved.
Every society have these problems.. So our is not unique.
I'm willing to give you the whole spiel if you're interested (not today, perhaps tomorrow).

that may increase my knowledge.

Sorry if I sound a little blunt, but I'm not one to mince my words.

I really appreciate your post.
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Missing point!

Brother, you will find some Bangladeshis in BD who hate Pakistan and will get many Bangladeshis who love PK. Maximum Bangladeshis like PK but, sadly, the number of them is decreasing day by day here. Do you know many BD peoples just laugh at PK to see the bloody retarded terrorists and they know PK as a terrorist factory but they are well wisher of PK?!!
Look at just two days ago - the stupid Lahore attack where brothers killed brothers during prayer time! Such stupid people have been indoctrinated (although unintentional) in PK society! There are enough reasons that the number of PK-haters growing in BD to see these blunders. So, try to fix your image in BD about PK before telling us why many BD-people hate PK. What PK has done to retrieve its good image? May be trying but failed and the proof is recent Lahore attack! So do not blame and hate BD people if they hate PK for these stupid terrorist attacks. We wish you all the best and no offense intended if you can understand what I want to say. Thanks.

What Pakistan's internal matters has to do with Bangladeshi hatred??
Is Bangladesh clean from terrorists?
and why you brought up that issue here without been discussed?
Are you among haters or lovers?
Why Pakistan should try to impress Bangladesh?
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Who says god has anything to do with religion.

I believe in god. Not rituals. I believe in having a positive effect on my family, myself and society as a whole. I'm going to explore this curious gift of life, make mistakes, learn from them and try to be the best person I can be.

That's what all of should ultimately strive to do. What matters is in what's in the heart, not mechanically following some steps.

Everything you stated can be done by following religion but you have to strive to find true religion.... You have to explore various religions.

If a country on earth cannot be operated without a constitution then how you expect a human (GOD's best creation) operating without constitution (Religion).
The only thing Pakistan has done is reinforce negative stereotypes about Islam and Muslims. Does a worldwide religion really need to react to a bunch of kids?

So now Pakistan can't even protest !! When did we lost this basic human right ??? Could you please elaborate.!!

India can ban Pakistani channels in India, US can ban News channels worldwide which they do not consider good in their own interests.

India can ban the entrance of a US diplomat just because US helped Pakistan in some matter.

But in the end of the day our protest becomes terrorism and a fuel for stereotypes, i Just wonder why everyone is speaking in favor of stereotypes ?? instead of calling stereotypes wrong since they will take the wrong meaning out of a right thing that Pakistan did.
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