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Indian 1000Rs and 500Rs notes banned from 08-Nov-2016

I didn't quite understand the point. Seriously. A significant portion of the notes circulating in India are forged, and it is known where they are printed, how they are shipped out, where they are finally shipped to, and how they are circulated. It is impossible to catch the very large numbers involved and impossible to guard the very large extent of territory used for smuggling.

We would be eternally grateful if you stayed out of this.

We dont have to blame her.After all ordinary patriotic Pakistanis obviously dont know what is going on out there.
that sort of technology requires so much power - it doesnt look possible with current technology. think about it - My Audi's GPS gets lost under a tunnel in Boston. how does a non-powered signal reflector communicate with the satellite unless its a star wars grade satellite that has the energy source to track tiny "reflected" signals out of millions of square miles?
BS !!
That is a fake message,she is not daughter of Maurya but just a bank employee ,Once again congress Dirty department is circulating these fake messages.

Here is the truth exposed Congress dirty tricks department.

Like morarji Desai government BJP is going to be finish .
Because each and every Indian is affected with this stupid decision.
The people with money know how to play around and will be ok.
Only common people with hard earn money are afraid of losing everything .
Sitting in USA you are commenting on what common people think in India.
We all are supporting Modi's strike against blackmoney,there is overwhelming positive response to PM.
With such popularity soaring now,BJP will win the next state elections easily.
Worry about not getting deported from USA as a Muslim.

Oh my god... is that money!???
That garland was made up of currency worth 21.5 lakhs,
your quoted me as if what I said was BS mate... lol. any news on what sort of steps are being taken for that currency to keep it traceable?

NONE! It is preposterous even to suggest that they can somehow trace a currency!

BTW, I really think it was a bad move to re-introduce denominations of 500 and 2000! Why go for half measures when you have already taken the plunge?

If not, Modi should have at least waited for a few more months before coming up with newer currencies. That way, there would have been lesser chances of laundering old currencies to newer ones.

It is anyway chaotic out there; a little more inconvenience with smaller denominations would have achieved far greater results.
NONE! It is preposterous even to suggest that they can somehow trace a currency!

BTW, I really think it was a bad move to re-introduce denominations of 500 and 2000! Why go for half measures when you have already taken the plunge?

If not, Modi should have at least waited for a few more months before coming up with newer currencies. That way, there would have been lesser chances of laundering old currencies to newer ones.

It is anyway chaotic out there; a little more inconvenience with smaller denominations would have achieved far greater results.

You cannot do business with just Rs100 notes. And how are you going to replace five trillion notes of 500 and 1000 in circulation. You need higher denomination like 500, 1000 and 2000 notes.

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