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Glimpse at Indian 65 propaganda paper

No that i certainly agree. What i want to learn is which country started the war and with what objective?

You started the mess when your promised plebiscite never materialized (a betrayal of promise) and forcefully captured IOK with Arms.

Pakistan's Kashmir incursion was an eventuality since it was and still is a disputed territory and not a part of India, one of the greatest blunders Pakistan ever did was not to push for it in 1962.
You started the mess when your promised plebiscite never materialized (a betrayal of promise) and forcefully captured IOK with Arms.

Pakistan's Kashmir incursion was an eventuality since it was and still is a disputed territory and not a part of India, one of the greatest blunders Pakistan ever did was not to push for it in 1962.
Again you avoided the question, give to the point answer and not on how the war situation builds up and what your country could have done and stuff. Let me ask you again, Which country started the war with what objective?
Propaganda is embedded in Indian psyche and the slavish Indian media dutifully feeds the Indian's habit.
Be it 1965 or 1971 air kills, Kargil claims , Pigeon circus or the Fishing boat drama, when it comes to 'Fake 'n Staged'' the Indians leave no runners up. However since we are discussing 1965, here's prime example of Indian Propaganda Ingenuity.

65 war in short.

Objective : Start war against India and Capture Kashmir.
Result : Pakistan defended itself.
Winner : Pakistan, because India could not capture Pakistan.

Mind = Blown....

Objective : Start war against Pakistan and Capture Lahore
Result : Pakistan defended itself.
Winner : Pakistan, because India could not capture an inch of Lahore and got defeated with one 1/3 rd of its airforce destroyed and loss of lot artillery and other assets.
Again you avoided the question, give to the point answer and not on how the war situation builds up and what your country could have done and stuff. Let me ask you again, Which country started the war with what objective?

Again IOK was a disputed territory not a part of India and a war which in itself began because of the betrayal of promise by India, you just opened multiple fronts and used your superior numbers to nullify any advantages PA gained in Kashmir, yet we consider it a victory because with opening of multiple fronts, we were successfully able to defend and repel a quantitatively much larger and bigger force than us.
Again IOK was a disputed territory not a part of India and a war which in itself began because of the betrayal of promise by India, you just opened multiple fronts and used your superior numbers to nullify any advantages PA gained in Kashmir, yet we consider it a victory because with opening of multiple fronts, we were successfully able to defend and repel a quantitatively much larger and bigger force than us.
again for the last time Which Country Started the war? Answer template : <insert country name here>
again for the last time Which Country Started the war? Answer template : <insert country name here>

When India betrayed their promise of a plebiscite and forcefully captured IOK against the wishes of the Natives with Arms and hundred of thousands of IOK natives fleeing as refugees to Azar Kashmir, it was India which started this war when they chose to commit genocide for land instead of peace.

And to this present day they are still committing genocide for land and not allowing the wishes of the masses to flow through.
You started the mess when your promised plebiscite never materialized (a betrayal of promise) and forcefully captured IOK with Arms.

Pakistan's Kashmir incursion was an eventuality since it was and still is a disputed territory and not a part of India, one of the greatest blunders Pakistan ever did was not to push for it in 1962.

so all these pakistnai news channels are paid by India to do propaganda on their behalf?
65 war in short.

Objective : Start war against India and Capture Kashmir.
Result : Pakistan defended itself.
Winner : Pakistan, because India could not capture Pakistan.

Mind = Blown....
Stupidity has no limits....

Pakistan started war in disputed region since India started skirmish in that area because of local uprising along with at Run Of Katch...
Indian forces soon realized they can't defend Kashmir and they plans to attack Lahore, Sialkot to capture these cities and in case of fall of Kashmir they negotiate Kashmir for that cities.

Because of Indian attack Pakistan shifted attention to defend Indian coward attack which India violated Internationally recognize boundaries. Indian GOC pompously plans to have breakfast at gym khana (Lahore) but end up in running from the war theater left behind his command jeep.

They shifted their attention to capture Sialkot but again they met humiliation and defeat in the largest tank battle after WII

65 war in short.

Objective : Start war against India and Capture Kashmir.
Result : Pakistan defended itself.
Winner : Pakistan, because India could not capture Pakistan.

Mind = Blown....

Exactly.... and they celebrate this as Defence day........???.... they could not capture Kashmir instead ended up struggling in defending their county.. . and they claim victory ???? :o::o::o::o::o:..strange logic
And this what they celebrated yesterday 6th September, as DEFENCE DAY .

If they had won, it would have been, Victory Day.

First thing, you guys did watch the parades and shows of Pakistan Defence Day. It shows the importance of Pakistan. *wink*

Secondly, what victory is?
Your loser Air Force with armored vehicles all of sudden attacked Pakistan. And said, "they will have breakfast and tea in Lahore" and Pakistan who was not even prepared shoot down your 60+ aircrafts........5 in 1 minutes.
One of Indian tank is still in Pakistan and tells to this new genrations and will tell the next genrations of Pakistan that India is a loser.

Ps: I am sorry yesterday's shows and parades shivered you guys with fear. Yes Pakistan is much more stronger now.


Have a great day.
Funny! The IQ seems to be reverse bio engineered in Pakistanis. Why? Because Pakistanis collect data how many Hindus they have killed in war or how many Indian tanks or aircrafts Pakistani Afwaz destroyed.

Will this decide the result of war now? Pathetic Thought process!

What else will? Your loser force planned to break Lahore from Pakistan. So is Lahore part of Hindia today? OF COURSE NOT. So? Didn't Pakistan win?

Even our cadets can give Indian shut up call. :)

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