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End the Arvind Kejriwal show: An open letter to AAP supporters

Arvind Kejriwal - clad in muffler, with his bizarre antics and natakbaaz cough has taken over the reins and purged those with backbone or morality

Dear AAP supporters,

I once respected and admired your movement, born as it was in those heady days of Jantar Mantar. It was a true citizens’ movement, led by the newly empowered, educated, middle class that was fed up of a system reeking of entitlement and corruption. I cheered on Anna Hazare, and I too had goosebumps at the youth, the energy and the intelligence of the movement.
Alas, it was not to last. As with most revolutions, after the pure beginnings, a demagogue arose to steal the stage, and use the movement for his own purposes. Before we knew it, Arvind Kejriwal – clad in muffler, with his bizarre antics and natakbaaz cough had taken over the reins and purged those with backbone or morality – Anna Hazare, Yogendra Yadav, Kiran Bedi. The moral core of the party was dead, and the party was now little more than the Arvind Kejriwal Show.
The AAP today is just an Indian echo of the many populist movements that have broken out across the globe. These are fueled by our sensationalist news media and social media environment where truth, research, and facts are less important than snappy slogans, antics, and ratings. Be it Corbyn in the UK, Syriza in Greece, Le Pen in France, Grillo in Italy or Donald Trump in the USA, the story is the same.
And just like in the rest of the world, such a populist is dangerous.
For these people expertise doesn’t seem to matter. Kejriwal’s economic plans would not pass scrutiny by an eighth standard economics teacher. His vision of huge expenditures, and ruinous taxes on business, would rapidly reduce our economy to that of Greece – hollowed out and bankrupt. But of course, “free wi-fi, free college, tax the rich” is such a wonderful slogan, why bother with pesky logic? Just tell the people what they want to hear.
Like other populists, Kejriwal knows the power of an Enemy. Kejriwal attacks businessmen and politicians. Businessmen, he says, are the root of all evil. No one, in his tax-inspector eyes, can succeed in business without cheating. Success is something to be suspicious of, not something to celebrate.

Of course, in reality, in a country of entrepreneurs and family businesses, most business is a force for good – creating jobs, providing goods, services, and development. In fact, corruption exists largely due to people like Kejriwal – a tax inspector with little understanding of economics, and a need to create thousands of rules to control every aspect of the market. These complicated rules lead to a proliferation of lazy and corrupt officials that suck the life out of the country through thousands of small bribes and blackmails. In such an environment, crooked practices thrive.
Most international populists rail against the “politicians”. Rather than actually going about the business of governing and taking tough decisions, it is easier to paint everyone as a thief – Sab Chor Hai – and claim to be above the system. So it is with Kejriwal. Despite being CM of Delhi, Kejriwal does not hold a single portfolio, and seems shockingly uninterested in the nitty-gritty of actual governance (fobbing it off to his Deputy CM). A simple traffic experiment like his odd-even scheme was made into a huge drama with daily headlines. Mumbai’s traffic police quietly handle far more complex problems on a daily basis without making them into national news items.
Just like the Donald Trumps of the world, Kejriwal understands that today’s Reality Television is more important that Actual Reality. Thus the bizarre spectacle of various assaults on Kejriwal, always conveniently within camera range (ever wonder why no other leader gets assaulted as much as Kejriwal? Or why Kejriwal never gets attacked when he is off camera? Just as Trump shot to political fame by funding an investigation into whether Obama was actually born in America, Kejriwal gets attention by attacking Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Hence, the disastrous challenge to PM Modi in Varanasi, and the ever increasing volume of abuse and conspiracy theories. For a populist demagogue, facts and results are not relevant. Success is counted in the only currency that matters – Ratings.

Unfortunately today, the more outlandish the claim, the crazier the conspiracy theory, and the more unparliamentary the language, the better it is for ratings. However, in order to maintain attention (and distract from lack of achievement) one has to create ever more outlandish spectacles.
This has to end. We now have the spectacle of a sitting Chief Minister accusing the Prime Minister of India of planning to murder him! Do we want to live in a country where the boundaries of civil discourse permit such wild and baseless accusations for the sake of television ratings? Do we want our polity to be “Trumpified”?

I call upon all remaining supporters of the AAP to take back their movement. To return to the positivity and hope of the Anna Hazare days, to kick out the fakes, and the natakbaazes. It time to return to the soul of the movement – a fight against corruption, a fight for the rights guaranteed in our constitution, and at its core, a fight by the educated classes for a right to enjoy the Indian dream. I know all of you want what is best for the country, you must start by ending the Arvind Kejriwal Show.

Rohan Parikh, a businessman working in education and real estate, is an alumni of the Wharton School of Business and INSEAD. Outside of business his interests are in public policy and social enterprise. Views expressed by the author are personal.

Indian cities are a garbage.
Thanks to nation looting for 65yrs by Anti National Congress.

For the fake handles who trend #ModiDisappoints, i wanna know, you judged him by two years?
And ready to vote back a corrupt Anti National Congress who looted India left right and center for 65 yrs?
To all posters in this thread

This is a discussion on Indian political news and all updates regarding the same...

I have been seeing that all of the posters have independent leanings towards different political parties and ideologies. That in our country is understandable as users are from all different places including many from abroad (with roots in India)

What i am feeling very sad is about the constant fights on ideologies of left vs right or AAP vs Congress vs BJP vs RSS or whatever..

This thread has been going down the drain with constant potshots and fight between AAP vs BJP. I can understand its a topic of discussion and you all folks wish to contribute but dont go over the top.

an example is our @ashok321 -
my friend day and night bashing Modi wont lead to anything. You need to know PDF has may be 0.000000001% representation of the whole country's democratic population who may vote or bring a change to their ideological drift...

I understand few of your points you raise is logical but then it looks as if there is a campaign to malign Modi everytime i look into this thread.

The same goes for @others as well..
meme after meme going after Kejriwal does not change anything. In a way you are only giving AK more limelight by making him known to everyone with continuous memes and barbs.

Of course when they say something or comment you folks are free to discuss. Its your fundamental right.

Pls introspect a bit. In this fight there are more important political news and topics being left in oblivion.

@nair -
Sir, i hope i am not curbing anybody's freedom here. But i felt you sir might have observed the same. Pls add or correct me in case i am out of line.

To all posters in this thread

This is a discussion on Indian political news and all updates regarding the same...

I have been seeing that all of the posters have independent leanings towards different political parties and ideologies. That in our country is understandable as users are from all different places including many from abroad (with roots in India)

What i am feeling very sad is about the constant fights on ideologies of left vs right or AAP vs Congress vs BJP vs RSS or whatever..

This thread has been going down the drain with constant potshots and fight between AAP vs BJP. I can understand its a topic of discussion and you all folks wish to contribute but dont go over the top.

an example is our @ashok321 -
my friend day and night bashing Modi wont lead to anything. You need to know PDF has may be 0.000000001% representation of the whole country's democratic population who may vote or bring a change to their ideological drift...

I understand few of your points you raise is logical but then it looks as if there is a campaign to malign Modi everytime i look into this thread.

The same goes for @others as well..
meme after meme going after Kejriwal does not change anything. In a way you are only giving AK more limelight by making him known to everyone with continuous memes and barbs.

Of course when they say something or comment you folks are free to discuss. Its your fundamental right.

Pls introspect a bit. In this fight there are more important political news and topics being left in oblivion.

@nair -
Sir, i hope i am not curbing anybody's freedom here. But i felt you sir might have observed the same. Pls add or correct me in case i am out of line.


Please note that I am putting all Indian posts in a concise way to save PDF bandwidth. I can open several threads everyday that I do not want to, like other well known Mr. K.

Also, I am not against others who do Kejriwal & congress bashing. Have you heard from me to you - That you should rate other negatively?

If I do not post here, I will open threads.
Please note that I am putting all Indian posts in a concise way to save PDF bandwidth. I can open several threads everyday that I do not want to, like other well known Mr. K.

Also, I am not against others who do Kejriwal & congress bashing. Have you heard from me to you - That you should rate other negatively?

If I do not post here, I will open threads.
Dont take to your heart bcz someone opined for a rating against you. I am only wanting not only you but everybody to tone down a bit of political fights.

I am infact very happy that you had been collating all data in this thread pertaining to politics.

But you do know questioning everything on Modi wont help us have a healthy debate.

It is same for all users who keeps on gng after AAP or AK. AK did some good work too which we forget quickly like we forget for every other political party.
Dont take to your heart bcz someone opined for a rating against you. I am only wanting not only you but everybody to tone down a bit of political fights.

I am infact very happy that you had been collating all data in this thread pertaining to politics.

But you do know questioning everything on Modi wont help us have a healthy debate.

It is same for all users who keeps on gng after AAP or AK. AK did some good work too which we forget quickly like we forget for every other political party.

I just realized that You thanked a poster, who wanted you to rate my posts in a negative manner.
Does It means you are hand in gloves with them?
Instead of addressing THAT poster, you endorsed such post by delivering a thanks to her doormat.

How fair?
I just realized that You thanked a poster, who wanted you to rate my posts in a negative manner.
Does It means you are hand in gloves with them?
Instead of addressing THAT poster, you endorsed such post by delivering a thanks to her doormat.

How fair?
If you check my profile i have thanked almost everyone bcz i listen to their opinions. It helps in discussion. If someone is against me or even having a negative opinion, it does not mean i will close my eyes and ears ...

By listening to all types of opinions then only i can open my mind and use my logic to differentiate between right or wrong. Ins pite of I thanking i did not do as was told. What it says? I used my own logic to assess and come to a conclusion that discussing with you and all is a better way then giving a rating.

Buddy, i am not a biased person .. so don feel that i am hard on you by any chance.. my opinion is pertaining to everyone including you.
If you check my profile i have thanked almost everyone bcz i listen to their opinions. It helps in discussion. If someone is against me or even having a negative opinion, it does not mean i will close my eyes and ears ...

By listening to all types of opinions then only i can open my mind and use my logic to differentiate between right or wrong. Ins pite of I thanking i did not do as was told. What it says? I used my own logic to assess and come to a conclusion that discussing with you and all is a better way then giving a rating.

Buddy, i am not a biased person .. so don feel that i am hard on you by any chance.. my opinion is pertaining to everyone including you.

I have kept 10 trouble makers at arms length by sending their IDs to my ignore list.

And I have requested through one of my posts - If you people can not digest my posts (mostly news headlines) then ignore me.

Is this not fairness from my part?

Now tell them to ignore me and close this chapter.

Thanks in advance/
You guys should cool down a bit.. see how different opinions and ideologies are bringing so much division here.. Lets hear each side out and critique it.. discuss debate and have an understanding from 360 degree viewpoint.

ATM we all have closed eyes and ears. lets give everyone a fair chance...

Communication is very important bcz its via communication only you can reach each others heart and mind....

Just try and tone it down a bit thats all..

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