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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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Then you have the worst interest for Pakistan. Coups aren't how great nations are made, military nations are bad for a reason.

Those that want a coup today would be on streets against it tomorrow. One of the main reasons why we never excelled is that we never picked a single system to govern our country. Both democracy and military and every other form of state systems have cons and pros but thanks to the people we never picked one to try.

It was always 8 years of dictatorship then the people asking for democracy, and when democracy came people asking for army to intervene and when it does they cheer but few years later they bash the very army they wanted. Those dual thinking is the reason we are in such a mess and made zero progress.

Let's just stick to democracy and implement a single system plus this will give us the tools to build our nation.

The army is also well aware of this. They have figured out that the very people that want us will be against us thus kiyani and raheel are just not interested bcz the army brass is not interested.

Believe me if tomorrow raheel wants a take over it will be done with ease but that will again throw us in this limbo where we are juggling military control and democracy.

Its time to end this juggle. Pick democracy and move Pakistan forward. The nation needs to learn the power of its vote. If majority don't vote then its their fault.

Pakistan desperately requires a focus on one state run system rather than the limbo of 1947-2013 ...

If the people have issues with the leaders then they can come on the street and protest but keep it democratic where the people stay in control ( bcz its the system we have picked)
Pakistanis are the opposite still have the slave mentality that they should be ruled under iron fist
Pakistan ka nam liye beghair neend ni aati na tm logon kO?
They think by inviting another coup (4th) Pakistan will transform into another Super Power, all our miseries and poverty will vanish within a jiffy. VIP Protocol culture will see it's end and our economy will be growing at 9%, oh yeah and we will be seeing unicorns in Pakistan. :lol:
:lol: so true
They think by inviting another coup (4th) Pakistan will transform into another Super Power, all our miseries and poverty will vanish within a jiffy. VIP Protocol culture will see it's end and our economy will be growing at 9%, oh yeah and we will be seeing unicorns in Pakistan. :lol:
It's still better than what we have now. Plus wtf is the difference anyway? Raheel is meeting foreign ministers. Army has taken charge of cpec. You basically have a ganja figure head that gets kickbacks and buys saris for modi's mom. Army is in charge anyway..
It's all very disjointed now , coup cannot succeed , the longer it drags on the lesser chance it will succeed


You've said that for like 100 times now in the thread instead of just giving neutral news updates
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