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India tops world hunger list with 194 million people: UN report

A few examples :-

★ Their soldiers are much much more braver than Indians. You know why? Because bravery and cowardice are abstract qualities that can not be measured.. So, Pakistanis must be braver.

★ Their pilots are much more skilled than Indian pilots. You know why? Because skill is an abstract quality, which can not be measured.

★ Their men are much more handsome and women much more beautiful than Indians. You know why? Because beauty is an abstract quality, that can not be measured.

★ Their homes and their slums are much more cleaner than Indian ones. You know why? Because Aesthetics is an abstract quality, which can not be measured.

★ Their people are much more patriotic than Indians. You know why? Because patriotism, again, is an abstract quality, which can not be measured.

There are so many things that Pakistanis are better at, that I'll not be able to list them all even If wrote a 800-page book on it. After all, how can short, dark, baniya kafirs ever be better at anything than the tall, fair and pious momins....

Your poverty figures are already given by world bank . Pakistan's poverty is nowhere near yours . Just go check what i posted a page back or go to world bank and check the per day spend . But ofcourse you will avoid that .


ROME: Pakistanis are happier than Indians once again, according to findings of a United Nations-sanctioned report released on Wednesday.

Out of a total 157 countries that were evaluated, Pakistan came in at 92, while India was placed at 118. Both countries have slipped as last year's rankings had Pakistan at 81 and India at 117.

Aiming to "survey the scientific underpinnings of measuring and understanding subjective well-being," the report, now in its fourth edition, ranks countries by happiness levels using factors such as:

Read: I can see Pakistan rise once more.

GDP per capita, healthy years of life expectancy, social support (as measured by having someone to count on in times of trouble), trust (as measured by a perceived absence of corruption in government and business), perceived freedom to make life decisions, and generosity (as measured by recent donations).

Differences in social support, incomes and healthy life expectancy are the three most important factors.

New factors like social support , freedom to make choices , generosity and trust were added . And guess what your country is a good 30 positions down below . Was released this year by United nations . As for your points :

Yes Pakistan is a much more cleaner country . Mumbai and delhi are both the dirtiest and most polluted cities in the world as ranked by trip advisor and WHO. Pakistani people are handsome just ask your women who go all gaga on our actors like fawad khan or atif aslam . And yes we dismantled your airforce in 65 and 71 .
Your poverty figures are already given by world bank . Pakistan's poverty is nowhere near yours . Just go check what i posted a page back or go to world bank and check the per day spend . But ofcourse you will avoid that .


ROME: Pakistanis are happier than Indians once again, according to findings of a United Nations-sanctioned report released on Wednesday.

You are linking to the happiness index not the hunger index.

Two entirely different indices.
You are linking to the happiness index not the hunger index.

Two entirely different indices.

He was alluding to the fact that we dish out things without fact and figures . I just gave him facts and figures .
Couple that with the fact that 40% of the world's malnourished children exist in India, 1/3rd of the world's poorest exist in India. Anyways its no use, Indian media and the likes of Arnab Goswami have brainwashed a majority of their people into believing they are a sooper dooper power. It is good for Pakistan, its always good to have a deluded adversary !!!
Can I eat an entire meal or several with €1 in India ?

@Kickstarter101 @Sky lord
That's hard to say. If you go to a truck stop, you could have a decent meal for 1Euro. In rural areas you could have more. Depends what you eat.

In a nice hotel or fine dining restaurant, they quickly separate you from your arm and leg after the meal

but then they have visiting chefs..I remember going to a meal prepared by the famous Japanese Morimoto at a high end restaurant in Delhi and when the bill came , all the blood went down to my legs and I couldn't get up from the table.

Let's find out the real datas from the end of 2015! China is doing better than Thailand right now !

China has more than 1.35 Billion PP but with one of the lowest hunger level !!!

source from http://ghi.ifpri.org/

(Please do not make fun of Poor Peoples )




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New factors like social support , freedom to make choices , generosity and trust were added . And guess what your country is a good 30 positions down below . Was released this year by United nations
I debunked this earlier. I think i have the pic let me search i will post here because India is doing better than Pakistan in most of these factors.

Your poverty figures are already given by world bank . Pakistan's poverty is nowhere near yours . Just go check what i posted a page back or go to world bank and check the per day spend . But ofcourse you will avoid that .


ROME: Pakistanis are happier than Indians once again, according to findings of a United Nations-sanctioned report released on Wednesday.

Out of a total 157 countries that were evaluated, Pakistan came in at 92, while India was placed at 118. Both countries have slipped as last year's rankings had Pakistan at 81 and India at 117.

Aiming to "survey the scientific underpinnings of measuring and understanding subjective well-being," the report, now in its fourth edition, ranks countries by happiness levels using factors such as:

Read: I can see Pakistan rise once more.

GDP per capita, healthy years of life expectancy, social support (as measured by having someone to count on in times of trouble), trust (as measured by a perceived absence of corruption in government and business), perceived freedom to make life decisions, and generosity (as measured by recent donations).

Differences in social support, incomes and healthy life expectancy are the three most important factors.

New factors like social support , freedom to make choices , generosity and trust were added . And guess what your country is a good 30 positions down below . Was released this year by United nations . As for your points :

Yes Pakistan is a much more cleaner country . Mumbai and delhi are both the dirtiest and most polluted cities in the world as ranked by trip advisor and WHO. Pakistani people are handsome just ask your women who go all gaga on our actors like fawad khan or atif aslam . And yes we dismantled your airforce in 65 and 71 .

Aha..!!! See guys.. This is what I said. Pakistanis are better than Indians at everything that can be termed as an abstract quality, even in happiness.. :yahoo:

Although this time I would blame all the sad heartbreak songs that Bollywood inflicts on us on a constant basis.. Who won't be a bit melancholy after hearing songs like “Dil ke armaan" and “Tu pyaar hai kisi aur ka" ?? :whistle:

What are rejected aashiqs like me supposed to do other than drown ourselves in sad music? :(
Saale Nitish Kumar ne daaru bhi ban kar rakhi h..:mad:

@Sky lord, @911
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I debunked this earlier. I think i have the pic let me search i will post here because India is doing better than Pakistan in most of these factors.

View attachment 307718
I never understood what that blue part of the graph is - dystopia + residual? Seems like made up stuff . You can't measure happiness. Some wise guy just made up this stuff to keep his job.

Aha..!!! See guys.. This is what I said. Pakistanis are better than Indians at everything that can be termed as an abstract quality, even in happiness.. :yahoo:

Although this time I would blame all the sad heartbreak songs that Bollywood inflicts on us on a constant basis.. Who won't be a bit melancholy after hearing songs like “Dil ke armaan" and “Tu pyaar hai kisi aur ka" ?? :whistle:

What are rejected aashiqs like me supposed to do other than drown ourselves in sad music? :(
Saale Nitish Kumar ne daaru bhi ban kar rakhi h..:mad:

@Sky lord, @911
LOL... You don't sound unhappy to me :p:
Taxes and wages. Norway has high wages, and therefore high taxes. But that's only half the story. Norway sees itself as somewhat of a social laboratory, were the government tries to sway the country in a certain direction. Usually this means by keeping the country on the forefront of social progress, human rights and quality of life.

Take gasoline as an example of this. Despite being one of the world's largest oil (and gas) producers.


The government seeks to improve the quality of life by incentivizing people to keep their cars in the garage, and off the street. It does this by implementing brutal gas taxes. Norway has some of the world's highest gas prices:

*click the picture to read it.
View attachment 307701



The high cost of living isn't really a problem for Norwegians, we've high wage earnings - I make the equivalent of about 260,000 USD annually working as a control engineer/software developer for a defense contractor.

But for tourists, it's a problem.

:o:. First mistake: going to Finland instead of Norway:angry:.

Second mistake: eating thato_O:bad:
Holy shit thats a lot of dough for software developers
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